[HTML][HTML] Conservation agriculture as a sustainable system for soil health: A review
Soil health is a term used to describe the general state or quality of soil, and in an
agroecosystem, soil health can be defined as the ability of the soil to respond to agricultural …
agroecosystem, soil health can be defined as the ability of the soil to respond to agricultural …
Organic amendment–mediated reclamation and build-up of soil microbial diversity in salt-affected soils: fostering soil biota for sha** rhizosphere to enhance soil …
Soil salinization is a serious environmental problem that affects agricultural productivity and
sustainability worldwide. Organic amendments have been considered a practical approach …
sustainability worldwide. Organic amendments have been considered a practical approach …
Soil water retention as affected by management induced changes of soil organic carbon: analysis of long-term experiments in Europe
Soil water retention (SWR) is an important soil property related to soil structure, texture, and
organic matter (SOM), among other properties. Agricultural management practices affect …
organic matter (SOM), among other properties. Agricultural management practices affect …
Optimizing carbon sequestration through cover crop** in Mediterranean agroecosystems: synthesis of mechanisms and implications for management
N Moukanni, KM Brewer, ACM Gaudin… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Hot and dry Mediterranean ecoregions are characterized by low soil organic carbon content
and large potential to become carbon sink when appropriately managed. Soil carbon …
and large potential to become carbon sink when appropriately managed. Soil carbon …
Organic carbon storage potential in deep agricultural soil layers: Evidence from long-term experiments in northeast Italy
The significant contribution to the global carbon budget made by soil organic carbon (SOC)
inspired the “4 per 1000” initiative. It promotes agricultural practices aimed at raising SOC …
inspired the “4 per 1000” initiative. It promotes agricultural practices aimed at raising SOC …
Modelling the soil C impacts of cover crops in temperate regions
CONTEXT Agricultural land management decisions are based on numerous considerations.
Belowground carbon (C) storage for both ecosystem health and greenhouse gas (GHG) …
Belowground carbon (C) storage for both ecosystem health and greenhouse gas (GHG) …
Agronomic management strategies to increase soil organic carbon in the short-term: evidence from on-farm experimentation in the Veneto region
V Giannini, G Raimondi, A Toffanin, C Maucieri… - Plant and Soil, 2023 - Springer
Background and aims Organic fertilizers and cover crops (CC) are considered crucial
strategies to pursue the objective of increasing soil organic carbon (SOC). The present …
strategies to pursue the objective of increasing soil organic carbon (SOC). The present …
Influence of tillage and crop rotations in organic and conventional farming systems on soil organic matter, bulk density and enzymatic activities in a short-term field …
Intensive agricultural practices are leading to loss of soil fertility and overexploitation of
natural resources which cause nutrients imbalance and further impair ecosystem services …
natural resources which cause nutrients imbalance and further impair ecosystem services …
Trade-offs among ecosystem services advance the case for improved spatial targeting of agri-environmental measures
Agri-environmental measures (AEMs) are meant to foster environmentally-friendly farming
techniques. The use of AEMs to enhance agroecosystem quality is still under debate due to …
techniques. The use of AEMs to enhance agroecosystem quality is still under debate due to …
Study on spatio-temporal pattern of conservation tillage on net carbon sink in China
C XUE, Y LI, C HU, S YAO - Journal of Natural Resources, 2022 - jnr.ac.cn
Studying the spatio-temporal patterns of net carbon sinks under conservation tillage is of
great significance to the formulation of policies. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of …
great significance to the formulation of policies. Based on the analysis of the mechanism of …