Sounding the call for a global library of underwater biological sounds

MJG Parsons, TH Lin, TA Mooney, C Erbe… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2022‏ -
Aquatic environments encompass the world's most extensive habitats, rich with sounds
produced by a diversity of animals. Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is an increasingly …

A review of big data analysis methods for baleen whale passive acoustic monitoring

KA Kowarski, H Moors‐Murphy - Marine Mammal Science, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
Many organizations collect large passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data sets that need to
be efficiently and reliably analyzed. To determine appropriate methods for effective analysis …

[HTML][HTML] Is low frequency ocean sound increasing globally?

JL Miksis-Olds, SM Nichols - The Journal of the Acoustical Society of …, 2016‏ -
Low frequency sound has increased in the Northeast Pacific Ocean over the past 60 yr
[Ross (1993) Acoust. Bull. 18, 5–8;(2005) IEEE J. Ocean. Eng. 30, 257–261; Andrew, Howe …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of soundscapes as an ecological tool

RP Schoeman, C Erbe, G Pavan… - Exploring animal …, 2022‏ -
Whether listening in a forest or on an open plain, by the side of a river or in the ocean, at the
outskirts of suburbia or right downtown, the Earth abounds with sounds. The use of the term …

Synchronous seasonal change in fin whale song in the North Pacific

EM Oleson, A Širović, AR Bayless, JA Hildebrand - PloS one, 2014‏ -
Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) song consists of down-swept pulses arranged into
stereotypic sequences that can be characterized according to the interval between …

Review of underwater and in-air sounds emitted by Australian and Antarctic marine mammals

C Erbe, R Dunlop, KCS Jenner, MNM Jenner… - Acoustics Australia, 2017‏ - Springer
The study of marine soundscapes is a growing field of research. Recording hardware is
becoming more accessible; there are a number of off-the-shelf autonomous recorders that …

Temporal evolution of the Mediterranean fin whale song

P Best, R Marxer, S Paris, H Glotin - Scientific reports, 2022‏ -
We present an analysis of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) songs on passive acoustic
recordings from the Pelagos Sanctuary (Western Mediterranean Basin). The recordings …

[PDF][PDF] Detection and classification methods for animal sounds

JN Oswald, C Erbe, WL Gannon… - Exploring animal …, 2022‏ -
Researchers have a natural tendency to classify biological systems into categories. For
example, organisms can be classified based on biome, ecosystem, taxon, phylogeny, niche …

Long‐term and seasonal changes of large whale call frequency in the southern Indian Ocean

EC Leroy, JY Royer, J Bonnel… - Journal of Geophysical …, 2018‏ - Wiley Online Library
In the past decades, in the context of a changing ocean submitted to an increasing human
activity, a progressive decrease in the frequencies (pitch) of blue whale vocalizations has …

Spatial and temporal trends in fin whale vocalizations recorded in the NE Pacific Ocean between 2003-2013

MJ Weirathmueller, KM Stafford, WSD Wilcock… - Plos one, 2017‏ -
In order to study the long-term stability of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) singing
behavior, the frequency and inter-pulse interval of fin whale 20 Hz vocalizations were …