Tundra vegetation change and impacts on permafrost
Tundra vegetation productivity and composition are responding rapidly to climatic changes
in the Arctic. These changes can, in turn, mitigate or amplify permafrost thaw. In this Review …
in the Arctic. These changes can, in turn, mitigate or amplify permafrost thaw. In this Review …
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, leading to rapid changes in
species composition and plant functional trait variation. Landscape-level maps of vegetation …
species composition and plant functional trait variation. Landscape-level maps of vegetation …
[HTML][HTML] Arctic tundra shrubification can obscure increasing levels of soil erosion in NDVI assessments of land cover derived from satellite imagery
Monitoring soil erosion in the Arctic tundra is complicated by the highly fragmentated nature
of the landscape and the limited spatial resolution of even high-resolution satellite data. The …
of the landscape and the limited spatial resolution of even high-resolution satellite data. The …
Climate change increases predation risk for a keystone species of the boreal forest
Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus) form a keystone
predator–prey cycle that has large impacts on the North American boreal forest vertebrate …
predator–prey cycle that has large impacts on the North American boreal forest vertebrate …
Remote sensing of tundra ecosystems using high spectral resolution reflectance: opportunities and challenges
Observing the environment in the vast regions of Earth through remote sensing platforms
provides the tools to measure ecological dynamics. The Arctic tundra biome, one of the …
provides the tools to measure ecological dynamics. The Arctic tundra biome, one of the …
Aboveground biomass corresponds strongly with drone-derived canopy height but weakly with greenness (NDVI) in a shrub tundra landscape
Arctic landscapes are changing rapidly in response to warming, but future predictions are
hindered by difficulties in scaling ecological relationships from plots to biomes. Unmanned …
hindered by difficulties in scaling ecological relationships from plots to biomes. Unmanned …