Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry
JN Hilfiker, N Hong, S Schoeche - Advanced Optical Technologies, 2022 - degruyter.com
The Mueller matrix is a mathematical description of how light is altered by an optical element
or a sample under study. It describes both intensity (irradiance) and polarization changes …
or a sample under study. It describes both intensity (irradiance) and polarization changes …
The anisotropic quasi-static permittivity of single-crystal β-Ga2O3 measured by terahertz spectroscopy
The quasi-static anisotropic permittivity parameters of electrically insulating beta gallium
oxide (β-Ga 2 O 3) were determined by terahertz spectroscopy. Polarization-resolved …
oxide (β-Ga 2 O 3) were determined by terahertz spectroscopy. Polarization-resolved …
Hyperbolic-to-hyperbolic transition at exceptional Reststrahlen point in rare-earth oxyorthosilicates
Anisotropic optical crystals can exhibit a hyperbolic response within the Reststrahlen band
(RB) and support directional polaritonic propagations when interacting with light. Most of the …
(RB) and support directional polaritonic propagations when interacting with light. Most of the …
High-connectivity quantum processor nodes using single-ion qubits in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals
We present two protocols for constructing quantum processor nodes in randomly doped rare-
earth-ion crystals and analyze their properties. By varying the do** concentration and the …
earth-ion crystals and analyze their properties. By varying the do** concentration and the …
[HTML][HTML] Longitudinal phonon plasmon mode coupling in β-Ga2O3
In this letter, we investigate a set of n-type single crystals of monoclinic symmetry β-Ga 2 O 3
with different free electron concentration values by generalized far infrared and infrared …
with different free electron concentration values by generalized far infrared and infrared …
Magnetic Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation
We describe a magnetic relation in analogy to the well-known dielectric Lyddane-Sachs-
Teller relation [RH Lyddane et al., Phys. Rev. 59, 673 (1941)]. This magnetic relation follows …
Teller relation [RH Lyddane et al., Phys. Rev. 59, 673 (1941)]. This magnetic relation follows …
Bloch equations in terahertz magnetic-resonance ellipsometry
V Rindert, S Richter, P Kühne, A Ruder, V Darakchieva… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
A generalized approach derived from Bloch's equation of motion of nuclear magnetic
moments is presented to model the frequency, magnetic field, spin density, and temperature …
moments is presented to model the frequency, magnetic field, spin density, and temperature …
[HTML][HTML] First-principle investigation of do** effects on mechanical and thermodynamic properties of Y2SiO5
We investigate the variation of elastic stiffness moduli and the thermodynamic properties of
yttrium orthosilicate (Y 2 SiO 5, YSO) under various do** concentrations of Eu 3+ ions …
yttrium orthosilicate (Y 2 SiO 5, YSO) under various do** concentrations of Eu 3+ ions …
Microscopic treatment of instantaneous spectral diffusion and its effect on quantum gate fidelities in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals
The effect of instantaneous spectral diffusion (ISD) on gate operations in rare-earth-ion-
doped crystals is an important question to answer for the future of rare-earth quantum …
doped crystals is an important question to answer for the future of rare-earth quantum …
Phonon order and reststrahlen bands of polar vibrations in crystals with monoclinic symmetry
In this Rapid Communication, we present the order of the phonon modes and the
appearance of the reststrahlen bands for monoclinic symmetry materials with polar lattice …
appearance of the reststrahlen bands for monoclinic symmetry materials with polar lattice …