[HTML][HTML] Enabling sustainable crop protection with induced resistance in plants
Induced resistance (IR), which enables plants to increase their resilience against insect
pests and microbial pathogens by promoting their own immunity, has been recognized for its …
pests and microbial pathogens by promoting their own immunity, has been recognized for its …
Use of zoophytophagous mirid bugs in horticultural crops: current challenges and future perspectives
In recent years, the use of predatory mirid bugs (Hemiptera: Miridae) in horticultural crops
has increased considerably. Mirid bugs are zoophytophagous predators, that is, they display …
has increased considerably. Mirid bugs are zoophytophagous predators, that is, they display …
Exploring the kairomone-based foraging behaviour of natural enemies to enhance biological control: a review
Kairomones are chemical signals that mediate interspecific interactions beneficial to
organisms that detect the cues. These attractants can be individual compounds or mixtures …
organisms that detect the cues. These attractants can be individual compounds or mixtures …
Can alternative host plant and prey affect phytophagy and biological control by the zoophytophagous mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis?
Abstract Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter)(Hemiptera: Miridae) is an important natural enemy of
several key arthropod pests. However, in tomato crop this predator can cause economic …
several key arthropod pests. However, in tomato crop this predator can cause economic …
Multifunctionality of herbivory-induced plant volatiles in chemical communication in tritrophic interactions
Highlights•HIPVs are classified into two categories: nonspecific-HIPVs and specific-
HIPVs.•There is no bioassay setup so versatile as to detect carnivore's response to HIPVs.• …
HIPVs.•There is no bioassay setup so versatile as to detect carnivore's response to HIPVs.• …
The Zoophytophagous Predator Nesidiocoris tenuis: A Successful But Controversial Biocontrol Agent in Tomato Crops
Protected tomatoes and sweet peppers are perhaps the crops whose use of augmentative
biological control is the most established in the Mediterranean basin. In both crops, most …
biological control is the most established in the Mediterranean basin. In both crops, most …
Predators and parasitoids-in-first: From inundative releases to preventative biological control in greenhouse crops
Repeated mass introductions of natural enemies have been widely used as a biological
control strategy in greenhouse systems when the resident population of natural enemies is …
control strategy in greenhouse systems when the resident population of natural enemies is …
Eliciting tomato plant defenses by exposure to herbivore induced plant volatiles
When zoophytophagous mirids (Hemiptera: Miridae) feed on tomato plants they activate
both direct and indirect defense mechanisms, which include the release of herbivore …
both direct and indirect defense mechanisms, which include the release of herbivore …
Tomato plant responses to feeding behavior of three zoophytophagous predators (Hemiptera: Miridae)
Plant responses induced by zoophytophagous plant bugs (Miridae) have not been
thoroughly studied. Here, we show that three different zoophytophagous predators …
thoroughly studied. Here, we show that three different zoophytophagous predators …
Beyond Predation: The Zoophytophagous Predator Macrolophus pygmaeus Induces Tomato Resistance against Spider Mites
Many predatory insects that prey on herbivores also feed on the plant, but it is unknown
whether plants affect the performance of herbivores by responding to this phytophagy with …
whether plants affect the performance of herbivores by responding to this phytophagy with …