Map** whole brain effects of infrared neural stimulation with positron emission tomography
The combination of neuroimaging and targeted neuromodulation is a crucial tool to gain a
deeper understanding of neural networks at a circuit level. Infrared neurostimulation (INS) is …
deeper understanding of neural networks at a circuit level. Infrared neurostimulation (INS) is …
[HTML][HTML] In vivo multi-site electrophysiology enabled by flexible optrodes towards bi-directional spinal cord interrogation
Optical neural interfaces combining optogenetics and electrophysiology have been
demonstrated as powerful tools for distinguishing the causal roles of neural circuits in the …
demonstrated as powerful tools for distinguishing the causal roles of neural circuits in the …
Echelon grating refractive index sensor
H Zhang, X Li, Y Pan, H Cao, Y **a, R Ma - Optics Letters, 2024 - opg.optica.org
There are few reports on optical refractive index sensors that have both high resonant-
wavelength resolution (RWR) and high refractive index sensitivity (RIS). Herein, based on …
wavelength resolution (RWR) and high refractive index sensitivity (RIS). Herein, based on …
In Vivo Evaluation of Thermally Drawn Biodegradable Optical Fibers as Brain Implants
Optical fiber technology plays a critical role in modern neuroscience towards understanding
the complex neuronal dynamics within the nervous system. In this study, we manufactured …
the complex neuronal dynamics within the nervous system. In this study, we manufactured …
Emerging technologies toward the integration of multiple functionalities on non-planar implantable neurophotonics probes
The continuous exchange between the neuroscience and neuroengineering communities
that took place over the past decades has uncovered a multitude of technological solutions …
that took place over the past decades has uncovered a multitude of technological solutions …
Soft biocompatible polymer optical fiber tapers<? pag\break?> for implantable neural devices
Optical fibers are between the most common implantable devices for delivering light in the
nervous system for optogenetics and infrared neural stimulation applications. Tapered …
nervous system for optogenetics and infrared neural stimulation applications. Tapered …
Multimodal fiber antenna for proximity and stress sensing
Fiber sensors are commonly used to detect environmental, physiological, optical, chemical,
and biological factors. Thermally drawn fibers offer numerous advantages over other …
and biological factors. Thermally drawn fibers offer numerous advantages over other …
In vivo evaluation of thermally drawn biodegradable optical fibers as brain neural interfaces
Optical fiber technology has a critical role in modern neuroscience towards understanding
the complex neuronal dynamics within the nervous system. In this study, we manufactured …
the complex neuronal dynamics within the nervous system. In this study, we manufactured …
Relationship between Brain and Body Temperature in Anesthetized Animals Measured by Ultralocal Thermometry
Temperature is one of the least studied biophysical characteristics of the brain, although
both the rate of biochemical reactions and the electrical activity of nervous tissue directly …
both the rate of biochemical reactions and the electrical activity of nervous tissue directly …
Bidirectional Interfaces Based on Multimaterial Optical Fibers for Infrared Neurostimulation
Bidirectional Interfaces Based on Multimaterial Optical Fibers for Infrared Neurostimulation Page
1 Bidirectional Interfaces Based on Multimaterial Optical Fibers for Infrared Neurostimulation …
1 Bidirectional Interfaces Based on Multimaterial Optical Fibers for Infrared Neurostimulation …