Chiral magnetic effect in heavy ion collisions: The present and future
The chiral magnetic effect (CME) is a collective quantum phenomenon that arises from the
interplay between gauge field topology and fermion chiral anomaly, encompassing a wide …
interplay between gauge field topology and fermion chiral anomaly, encompassing a wide …
[HTML][HTML] The present and future of QCD
Abstract This White Paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspective
of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 …
of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 …
Quantum computation of dynamical quantum phase transitions and entanglement tomography in a lattice gauge theory
Strongly coupled gauge theories far from equilibrium may exhibit unique features that could
illuminate the physics of the early universe and of hadron and ion colliders. Studying real …
illuminate the physics of the early universe and of hadron and ion colliders. Studying real …
Real-time nonperturbative dynamics of jet production in Schwinger model: Quantum entanglement and vacuum modification
The production of jets should allow testing the real-time response of the QCD vacuum
disturbed by the propagation of high-momentum color charges. Addressing this problem …
disturbed by the propagation of high-momentum color charges. Addressing this problem …
Quantum simulation of nonequilibrium dynamics and thermalization in the Schwinger model
We present simulations of nonequilibrium dynamics of quantum field theories on digital
quantum computers. As a representative example, we consider the Schwinger model, a (1+ …
quantum computers. As a representative example, we consider the Schwinger model, a (1+ …
Quantum real-time evolution of entanglement and hadronization in jet production: Lessons from the massive Schwinger model
The possible link between entanglement and thermalization, and the dynamics of
hadronization are addressed by studying the real-time response of the massive Schwinger …
hadronization are addressed by studying the real-time response of the massive Schwinger …
Detecting the critical point through entanglement in the Schwinger model
Using quantum simulations on classical hardware, we study the phase diagram of the
massive Schwinger model with a θ term at finite chemical potential μ. We find that the …
massive Schwinger model with a θ term at finite chemical potential μ. We find that the …
Measurement of Bell-type inequalities and quantum entanglement from -hyperon spin correlations at high energy colliders
Spin correlations of Λ-hyperons embedded in the QCD strings formed in high energy collider
experiments provide unique insight into their locality and entanglement features. We show …
experiments provide unique insight into their locality and entanglement features. We show …
The case for an EIC Theory Alliance: Theoretical Challenges of the EIC
We outline the physics opportunities provided by the Electron Ion Collider (EIC). These
include the study of the parton structure of the nucleon and nuclei, the onset of gluon …
include the study of the parton structure of the nucleon and nuclei, the onset of gluon …
Criticality of quantum energy teleportation at phase transition points in quantum field theory
K Ikeda - Physical Review D, 2023 - APS
Quantum field theory can be a new medium for communication through quantum energy
teleportation. We perform a demonstration of quantum energy teleportation with a relativistic …
teleportation. We perform a demonstration of quantum energy teleportation with a relativistic …