Boundary crossing and boundary objects
Diversity and mobility in education and work present a paramount challenge that needs
better conceptualization in educational theory. This challenge has been addressed by …
better conceptualization in educational theory. This challenge has been addressed by …
A solution business model: Capabilities and management practices for integrated solutions
The developed solution business model framework assists firms wishing to design solution
business models by categorizing capabilities and management practices necessary for the …
business models by categorizing capabilities and management practices necessary for the …
The sites and practices of business models
This paper examines the concept of business models. Drawing on the business model
literature, we first identify technology, market offering and network architecture as the three …
literature, we first identify technology, market offering and network architecture as the three …
Scripting markets: From value propositions to market propositions
There is a keen interest in marketing to move away from the neo-classical market definition
suggesting that markets are places where demand and supply meet to reach equilibrium. In …
suggesting that markets are places where demand and supply meet to reach equilibrium. In …
Designing business models for value co-creation
Purpose–The aim of this chapter is to investigate how a focal market actor may design or
redesign business models for improved value co-creation. Findings–We posit that value is …
redesign business models for improved value co-creation. Findings–We posit that value is …
[کتاب][B] No business is an island: Making sense of the interactive business world
H Håkansson, I Snehota - 2017 - emerald.com
References | Emerald Insight Books and journals Case studies Expert Briefings Open
Access Publish with us Advanced search References No Business is an Island ISBN : 978-1-78714-550-4 …
Access Publish with us Advanced search References No Business is an Island ISBN : 978-1-78714-550-4 …
Servitization as business model contestation: A practice approach
In principle, organizations know how to do servitization, but in practice, many struggle to
change their business models to include service offerings. To understand this struggle, this …
change their business models to include service offerings. To understand this struggle, this …
Initial relationship development in new business ventures
This paper seeks to investigate some of the issues faced by an existing company when
develo** the initial customer relationships for a new venture. All companies face the …
develo** the initial customer relationships for a new venture. All companies face the …
[HTML][HTML] Market-sha** roles–Exploring actor roles in the sha** of the Swedish market for liquefied gas
Despite the emphasis on actors in the market-sha** literature, the market-sha** roles
and heterogeneity of market actors have mostly been aggregated into overarching practices …
and heterogeneity of market actors have mostly been aggregated into overarching practices …
[HTML][HTML] Market mash ups: The process of combinatorial market innovation
This paper investigates market innovation that takes place at the intersection of previously
weakly connected markets. Based on a longitudinal study of the development of the digital …
weakly connected markets. Based on a longitudinal study of the development of the digital …