Myctophid fish (family Myctophidae) are central consumers in the food web of the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean)
Myctophids are the most abundant and diverse mesopelagic fishes in the Southern Ocean.
They are a conduit of energy between primary consumers and higher marine predators, and …
They are a conduit of energy between primary consumers and higher marine predators, and …
Productivity and change in fish and squid in the Southern Ocean
Southern Ocean ecosystems are globally important and vulnerable to global drivers of
change, yet they remain challenging to study. Fish and squid make up a significant portion of …
change, yet they remain challenging to study. Fish and squid make up a significant portion of …
Develo** the knowledge base needed to sustainably manage mesopelagic resources
Recent estimates suggest that the mesopelagic zone could contain a total fish biomass of 2-
19.5 gigatonnes, roughly equivalent to 100 times the annual catch of all existing fisheries. In …
19.5 gigatonnes, roughly equivalent to 100 times the annual catch of all existing fisheries. In …
Nanopore short‐read sequencing: A quick, cost‐effective and accurate method for DNA metabarcoding
Dietary and predator–prey studies are more frequently relying on DNA metabarcoding
methods, typically achieving results that have a better taxonomic resolution (eg, species …
methods, typically achieving results that have a better taxonomic resolution (eg, species …
Towards reproducible metabarcoding data: Lessons from an international cross‐laboratory experiment
Advances in high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) are revolutionizing monitoring in marine
environments by enabling rapid, accurate and holistic detection of species within complex …
environments by enabling rapid, accurate and holistic detection of species within complex …
Species distribution models describe spatial variability in mesopelagic fish abundance in the Southern Ocean
Introduction Mesopelagic fishes play a central role in the transfer of energy through open-
ocean food webs, particularly in the Southern Ocean where they are both important …
ocean food webs, particularly in the Southern Ocean where they are both important …
DNA metabarcoding reveals the importance of gelatinous zooplankton in the diet of Pandalus borealis, a keystone species in the Arctic
Abstract Information about the dietary composition of a species is crucial to understanding
their position and role in the food web. Increasingly, molecular approaches such as DNA …
their position and role in the food web. Increasingly, molecular approaches such as DNA …
Assessing the trophic ecology of Southern Ocean Myctophidae: the added value of DNA metabarcoding
Lanternfishes (Myctophidae) are key components of mesopelagic fish communities globally.
In the Southern Ocean, incomplete information on myctophid diets limits our understanding …
In the Southern Ocean, incomplete information on myctophid diets limits our understanding …
Metabarcoding and morphological analysis of diets of mesopelagic fishes in the NW Atlantic Slope Water
DNA metabarcoding and morphological taxonomic (microscopic) analysis of the gut
contents was used to examine diet diversity of seven species of fishes collected from …
contents was used to examine diet diversity of seven species of fishes collected from …
Trophic indices for micronektonic fishes reveal their dependence on the microbial system in the North Atlantic
The importance of microbes for the functioning of oceanic food webs is well established, but
their relevance for top consumers is still poorly appreciated. Large differences in individual …
their relevance for top consumers is still poorly appreciated. Large differences in individual …