The scyther tool: Verification, falsification, and analysis of security protocols: Tool paper
CJF Cremers - International conference on computer aided verification, 2008 - Springer
With the rise of the Internet and other open networks, a large number of security protocols
have been developed and deployed in order to provide secure communication. The analysis …
have been developed and deployed in order to provide secure communication. The analysis …
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Model checking security protocols
The formal analysis of security protocols is a prime example of a domain where model
checking has been successfully applied. Although security protocols are typically small …
checking has been successfully applied. Although security protocols are typically small …
A survey on secure communication techniques for 5G wireless heterogeneous networks
A Kakkar - Information Fusion, 2020 - Elsevier
With the increasing number of emerging robust networks, the challenges to design new
security protocols and techniques are never ending. With the enlargement of 5G paradigm …
security protocols and techniques are never ending. With the enlargement of 5G paradigm …
Stateful protocol composition in Isabelle/HOL
Communication networks like the Internet form a large distributed system where a huge
number of components run in parallel, such as security protocols and distributed web …
number of components run in parallel, such as security protocols and distributed web …
Secure pseudonymous channels
Channels are an abstraction of the many concrete techniques to enforce particular
properties of message transmissions such as encryption. We consider here three basic …
properties of message transmissions such as encryption. We consider here three basic …
The open-source fixed-point model checker for symbolic analysis of security protocols
We introduce the Open-source Fixed-point Model Checker OFMC for symbolic security
protocol analysis, which extends the On-the-fly Model Checker (the previous OFMC). The …
protocol analysis, which extends the On-the-fly Model Checker (the previous OFMC). The …
Multi-ciphersuite security of the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol
The Secure Shell (SSH) protocol is widely used to provide secure remote access to servers,
making it among the most important security protocols on the Internet. We show that the …
making it among the most important security protocols on the Internet. We show that the …
3D model-based hand tracking using stochastic direct search method
Tracking the articulated hand motion in a video sequence is a challenging problem in which
the main difficulty arises from the complexity of searching for an optimal motion estimate in a …
the main difficulty arises from the complexity of searching for an optimal motion estimate in a …
A formal analysis method for composition protocol based on model checking
M **ao, H Zhao, K Yang, R Ouyang, W Song - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
Protocol security in a composition protocol environment has always been an open problem
in the field of formal analysis and verification of security protocols. As a well-known tool to …
in the field of formal analysis and verification of security protocols. As a well-known tool to …