Determination of a compact Finsler manifold from its boundary distance map and an inverse problem in elasticity
We prove that the boundary distance map of a smooth compact Finsler manifold with smooth
boundary determines its topological and differentiable structures. We construct the optimal …
boundary determines its topological and differentiable structures. We construct the optimal …
On sprays of scalar curvature and metrizability
G Yang - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2023 - Springer
Every Finsler metric naturally induces a spray but not so for the converse. The notion for
sprays of scalar (resp. isotropic) curvature has been known as a generalization for Finsler …
sprays of scalar (resp. isotropic) curvature has been known as a generalization for Finsler …
Inverse problem for compact Finsler manifolds with the boundary distance map
We prove that the boundary distance map of a smooth compact Finsler manifold with smooth
boundary determines its topological and differential structures. We construct the optimal …
boundary determines its topological and differential structures. We construct the optimal …
Invariant metrizability and projective metrizability on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces
In this paper, we study the invariant metrizability and projective metrizability problems for the
special case of the geodesic spray associated to the canonical connection of a Lie group …
special case of the geodesic spray associated to the canonical connection of a Lie group …
Sprays on Hamel-Funk Functions Model
G Yang - arxiv preprint arxiv:2207.03756, 2022 - arxiv.org
Hamel functions of a spray play an important role in the study of the projective metrizability of
the concerned spray, and Funk functions are special Hamel functions. A Finsler metric is a …
the concerned spray, and Funk functions are special Hamel functions. A Finsler metric is a …
[HTML][HTML] Frobenius integrability and Finsler metrizability for 2-dimensional sprays
For a 2-dimensional non-flat spray we associate a Berwald frame and a 3-dimensional
distribution that we call the Berwald distribution. The Frobenius integrability of the Berwald …
distribution that we call the Berwald distribution. The Frobenius integrability of the Berwald …
Funk functions and projective deformations of sprays and Finsler spaces of scalar flag curvature
I Bucataru - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2016 - Springer
Abstract In 2001, Zhongmin Shen asked if it is possible for two projectively related Finsler
metrics to have the same Riemann curvature (Shen in Differential Geometry of Spray and …
metrics to have the same Riemann curvature (Shen in Differential Geometry of Spray and …
About the projective Finsler metrizability: First steps in the non-isotropic case
T Milkovszki, Z Muzsnay - arxiv preprint arxiv:1705.07271, 2017 - arxiv.org
We consider the projective Finsler metrizability problem: under what conditions the solutions
of a given system of second-order ordinary differential equations (SODE) coincide with the …
of a given system of second-order ordinary differential equations (SODE) coincide with the …
On Geodesics of Sprays and Projective Completeness
G Yang - arxiv preprint arxiv:2301.00507, 2023 - arxiv.org
Geodesics, which play an important role in spray-Finsler geometry, are integral curves of a
spray vector field on a manifold. Some comparison theorems and rigidity issues are …
spray vector field on a manifold. Some comparison theorems and rigidity issues are …
[PDF][PDF] Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry
Z Muzsnay, NL Youssef - dea.lib.unideb.hu
Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry Doktori (PhD) értekezés Szerzo: Salah Gomaa Ahmed
Ali Témavezeto: Dr. Zoltán Mu Page 1 DE TTK 1949 Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry …
Ali Témavezeto: Dr. Zoltán Mu Page 1 DE TTK 1949 Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry …