Determination of a compact Finsler manifold from its boundary distance map and an inverse problem in elasticity

MV De Hoop, J Ilmavirta, M Lassas… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019 -
We prove that the boundary distance map of a smooth compact Finsler manifold with smooth
boundary determines its topological and differentiable structures. We construct the optimal …

On sprays of scalar curvature and metrizability

G Yang - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2023 - Springer
Every Finsler metric naturally induces a spray but not so for the converse. The notion for
sprays of scalar (resp. isotropic) curvature has been known as a generalization for Finsler …

Inverse problem for compact Finsler manifolds with the boundary distance map

MV de Hoop, J Ilmavirta, M Lassas, T Saksala - Ar**v. org, 2019 -
We prove that the boundary distance map of a smooth compact Finsler manifold with smooth
boundary determines its topological and differential structures. We construct the optimal …

Invariant metrizability and projective metrizability on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces

I Bucataru, T Milkovszki, Z Muzsnay - Mediterranean Journal of …, 2016 - Springer
In this paper, we study the invariant metrizability and projective metrizability problems for the
special case of the geodesic spray associated to the canonical connection of a Lie group …

Sprays on Hamel-Funk Functions Model

G Yang - arxiv preprint arxiv:2207.03756, 2022 -
Hamel functions of a spray play an important role in the study of the projective metrizability of
the concerned spray, and Funk functions are special Hamel functions. A Finsler metric is a …

[HTML][HTML] Frobenius integrability and Finsler metrizability for 2-dimensional sprays

I Bucataru, G Creţu, EH Taha - Differential Geometry and its Applications, 2018 - Elsevier
For a 2-dimensional non-flat spray we associate a Berwald frame and a 3-dimensional
distribution that we call the Berwald distribution. The Frobenius integrability of the Berwald …

Funk functions and projective deformations of sprays and Finsler spaces of scalar flag curvature

I Bucataru - The Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2016 - Springer
Abstract In 2001, Zhongmin Shen asked if it is possible for two projectively related Finsler
metrics to have the same Riemann curvature (Shen in Differential Geometry of Spray and …

About the projective Finsler metrizability: First steps in the non-isotropic case

T Milkovszki, Z Muzsnay - arxiv preprint arxiv:1705.07271, 2017 -
We consider the projective Finsler metrizability problem: under what conditions the solutions
of a given system of second-order ordinary differential equations (SODE) coincide with the …

On Geodesics of Sprays and Projective Completeness

G Yang - arxiv preprint arxiv:2301.00507, 2023 -
Geodesics, which play an important role in spray-Finsler geometry, are integral curves of a
spray vector field on a manifold. Some comparison theorems and rigidity issues are …

[PDF][PDF] Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry

Z Muzsnay, NL Youssef -
Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry Doktori (PhD) értekezés Szerzo: Salah Gomaa Ahmed
Ali Témavezeto: Dr. Zoltán Mu Page 1 DE TTK 1949 Nullity Distribution in Finsler Geometry …