Convex optimization for trajectory generation: A tutorial on generating dynamically feasible trajectories reliably and efficiently
Reliable and efficient trajectory generation methods are a fundamental need for
autonomous dynamical systems. The goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive …
autonomous dynamical systems. The goal of this article is to provide a comprehensive …
Advances in trajectory optimization for space vehicle control
Abstract Space mission design places a premium on cost and operational efficiency. The
search for new science and life beyond Earth calls for spacecraft that can deliver scientific …
search for new science and life beyond Earth calls for spacecraft that can deliver scientific …
Successive convexification: A superlinearly convergent algorithm for non-convex optimal control problems
This paper presents the SCvx algorithm, a successive convexification algorithm designed to
solve non-convex constrained optimal control problems with global convergence and …
solve non-convex constrained optimal control problems with global convergence and …
Convex optimization for trajectory generation
Reliable and efficient trajectory generation methods are a fundamental need for
autonomous dynamical systems of tomorrow. The goal of this article is to provide a …
autonomous dynamical systems of tomorrow. The goal of this article is to provide a …
Successive convexification for nonlinear model predictive control with continuous-time constraint satisfaction
We propose a nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) framework based on a direct
optimal control method that ensures continuous-time constraint satisfaction and accurate …
optimal control method that ensures continuous-time constraint satisfaction and accurate …
A novel model predictive control based co-optimization strategy for velocity planning and energy management of intelligent PHEVs
Facilitated by the advanced abilities in environment sensing and integrated communication,
intelligent plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (IPHEVs) enable massive autonomy in decision …
intelligent plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (IPHEVs) enable massive autonomy in decision …
Model-based robust transient control of reusable liquid-propellant rocket engines
Reusable liquid-propellant rocket engines (LPREs) imply more demanding robustness
requirements than expendable ones due to their extended capabilities. Therefore, the goal …
requirements than expendable ones due to their extended capabilities. Therefore, the goal …
Contact-implicit trajectory optimization based on a variable smooth contact model and successive convexification
In this paper, we propose a contact-implicit trajectory optimization (CITO) method based on a
variable smooth contact model (VSCM) and successive convexification (SCvx). The VSCM …
variable smooth contact model (VSCM) and successive convexification (SCvx). The VSCM …
Throttled explicit guidance to realize pinpoint landing under a bounded thrust magnitude
T Ito, S Sakai - Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2020 - arc.aiaa.org
CREWED and uncrewed campaigns for lunar and planetary soft landings have been
actively explored for more than half a century. However, the landing accuracy in previous …
actively explored for more than half a century. However, the landing accuracy in previous …
Motion planning with dynamic obstacles using convexified control barrier functions
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a popular approach used for motion planning in
dynamical systems. Given a finite horizon cost, we seek an optimal control law subject to …
dynamical systems. Given a finite horizon cost, we seek an optimal control law subject to …