Topology optimization of multi-scale structures: a review
Multi-scale structures, as found in nature (eg, bone and bamboo), hold the promise of
achieving superior performance while being intrinsically lightweight, robust, and multi …
achieving superior performance while being intrinsically lightweight, robust, and multi …
[HTML][HTML] Architected materials for additive manufacturing: a comprehensive review
One of the main advantages of Additive Manufacturing (AM) is the ability to produce
topologically optimized parts with high geometric complexity. In this context, a plethora of …
topologically optimized parts with high geometric complexity. In this context, a plethora of …
[HTML][HTML] Topology optimization of irregular multiscale structures with tunable responses using a virtual growth rule
Many applications demand tunable structural responses through tailored organic
microstructural distributions and spatially varied material properties. Notable progress has …
microstructural distributions and spatially varied material properties. Notable progress has …
[HTML][HTML] Finite element analysis of orthopedic hip implant with functionally graded bioinspired lattice structures
The topology optimization (TO) process has the objective to structurally optimize products in
various industries, such as in biomechanical engineering. Additive manufacturing facilitates …
various industries, such as in biomechanical engineering. Additive manufacturing facilitates …
Homogenization-based stiffness optimization and projection of 2D coated structures with orthotropic infill
This paper concerns compliance minimization and projection of coated structures with
orthotropic infill material in 2D. The purpose of the work is two-fold. First, we introduce an …
orthotropic infill material in 2D. The purpose of the work is two-fold. First, we introduce an …
Stress-driven infill map** for 3D-printed continuous fiber composite with tunable infill density and morphology
Continuous fiber composite via additive manufacturing is an emerging field that extends the
design freedom of composite structure as well as integrates with the digital fabrication …
design freedom of composite structure as well as integrates with the digital fabrication …
Topology optimisation in structural steel design for additive manufacturing
Topology Optimisation is a broad concept deemed to encapsulate different processes for
computationally determining structural materials optimal layouts. Among such techniques …
computationally determining structural materials optimal layouts. Among such techniques …
Concurrent optimization of structural topology and toolpath for additive manufacturing of continuous fiber-reinforced polymer composites
The advancement of continuous fiber-reinforced polymer additive manufacturing (CFRP-AM)
enables the fabrication of lightweight structures with intricate geometries and superior …
enables the fabrication of lightweight structures with intricate geometries and superior …
Topology optimization of functionally graded anisotropic composite structures using homogenization design method
This paper proposes a topology optimization method that is capable of simultaneous design
for structural topology, stiff material (ie fiber) layout, and its orientations in functionally …
for structural topology, stiff material (ie fiber) layout, and its orientations in functionally …
Effective mechanical properties of additive manufactured strut‐lattice structures: Experimental and finite element study
Current developments in additive manufacturing (AM) technologies enable the fabrication of
complex geometries with a variety of materials. Utilizing AM techniques, lattice structures are …
complex geometries with a variety of materials. Utilizing AM techniques, lattice structures are …