Landslide process and impacts: A proposed classification method
Various impacts of landslides have increased in past decades due to the rapid growth of
urbanization in the develo** world. Landslide effects have damaged many aspects of …
urbanization in the develo** world. Landslide effects have damaged many aspects of …
Rainfall thresholds for landslide activity in Portugal: a state of the art
Rainfall is the most important physical process responsible for the landslide triggering in
Portugal. Results obtained worldwide have shown that control of rainfall on landslides differs …
Portugal. Results obtained worldwide have shown that control of rainfall on landslides differs …
[หนังสือ][B] Landslide risk assessment
EM Lee, DKC Jones - 2023 - icevirtuallibrary.com
See also specific Asian countries asphyxiation, 287–288 Assam (India) earthquake, 39
assets fixed, 81, 82, 254, 255f, 264 Hong Kong example, 118 market value, 337–339, 338t …
assets fixed, 81, 82, 254, 255f, 264 Hong Kong example, 118 market value, 337–339, 338t …
An expert knowledge-based approach to landslide susceptibility map** using GIS and fuzzy logic
This paper presents an expert knowledge-based approach to landslide susceptibility
map** in an effort to overcome the deficiencies of data-driven approaches. The proposed …
map** in an effort to overcome the deficiencies of data-driven approaches. The proposed …
Landslide hazard and risk assessment
F Guzzetti - 2006 - bonndoc.ulb.uni-bonn.de
Landslides play an important role in the evolution of landforms and represent a serious
hazard in many areas of the World. In places, fatalities and economic damage caused by …
hazard in many areas of the World. In places, fatalities and economic damage caused by …
D Kawabata, J Bandibas - Geomorphology, 2009 - Elsevier
An efficient and accurate method of generating landslide susceptibility maps is very
important to mitigate the loss of properties and lives caused by this type of geological …
important to mitigate the loss of properties and lives caused by this type of geological …
Landslide susceptibility zoning north of Yenice (NW Turkey) by multivariate statistical techniques
Dramatic effects resulting from landslides on human life and economy of many nations are
observed sometimes throughout the world. Landslide inventory and susceptibility map** …
observed sometimes throughout the world. Landslide inventory and susceptibility map** …