Landslide process and impacts: A proposed classification method

Y Alimohammadlou, A Najafi, A Yalcin - Catena, 2013 - Elsevier
Various impacts of landslides have increased in past decades due to the rapid growth of
urbanization in the develo** world. Landslide effects have damaged many aspects of …

Rainfall thresholds for landslide activity in Portugal: a state of the art

JL Zêzere, T Vaz, S Pereira, SC Oliveira… - Environmental Earth …, 2015 - Springer
Rainfall is the most important physical process responsible for the landslide triggering in
Portugal. Results obtained worldwide have shown that control of rainfall on landslides differs …

[หนังสือ][B] Landslide risk assessment

EM Lee, DKC Jones - 2023 -
See also specific Asian countries asphyxiation, 287–288 Assam (India) earthquake, 39
assets fixed, 81, 82, 254, 255f, 264 Hong Kong example, 118 market value, 337–339, 338t …

An expert knowledge-based approach to landslide susceptibility map** using GIS and fuzzy logic

AX Zhu, R Wang, J Qiao, CZ Qin, Y Chen, J Liu, F Du… - Geomorphology, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper presents an expert knowledge-based approach to landslide susceptibility
map** in an effort to overcome the deficiencies of data-driven approaches. The proposed …

Landslide hazard and risk assessment

F Guzzetti - 2006 -
Landslides play an important role in the evolution of landforms and represent a serious
hazard in many areas of the World. In places, fatalities and economic damage caused by …
D Kawabata, J Bandibas - Geomorphology, 2009 - Elsevier
An efficient and accurate method of generating landslide susceptibility maps is very
important to mitigate the loss of properties and lives caused by this type of geological …

Landslide susceptibility zoning north of Yenice (NW Turkey) by multivariate statistical techniques

M Ercanoglu, C Gokceoglu, TWJ Van Asch - Natural Hazards, 2004 - Springer
Dramatic effects resulting from landslides on human life and economy of many nations are
observed sometimes throughout the world. Landslide inventory and susceptibility map** …