[PDF][PDF] Early Post-war European Integration and Youth Policies: Exploration of the European Youth Campaign and Youth Initiatives in the Common Assembly of the …

M Banjac - Journal of Comparative Politics, 2024 - cpupi.si
Paper focuses on two relevant post-war frameworks for early European integration
processes in the field of youth: the European Youth Campaign initiated by the European …

[PDF][PDF] Transmitting the past to young minds

F Krawatzek, N Friess - Media and Cultural Memory/Medien und …, 2022 - library.oapen.org
When the two of us talked about the representations of history that had accompanied our
own transition from childhood to adolescence and adulthood, the significance of our different …

Social representations of European history by the European youth: A cross-country comparison

P Bouchat, R Cabecinhas, L Licata… - Journal of social and …, 2023 - hal.science
The present manuscript examines the way young Europeans represent Europe's history. A
study conducted in 11 European countries (N= 1406 students in social sciences) shows that …

Forging Europe's Next Generations: The European Parliament's Children and Youth Policy

M Roos, M Roos - The Parliamentary Roots of European Social Policy …, 2021 - Springer
In 1954, three years before the Treaties of Rome were signed, MEPs entered into what a
report of the EP's Committee on Social Affairs would 21 years later call the “crusade to help …

The Role of Youth Parliaments in Increasing Youth Participation (International and Uzbekistan Examples)

K Orinbaevich - Jurnal ISO: Jurnal Ilmu Sosial, Politik dan …, 2024 - penerbitadm.pubmedia.id
The article examines the role of youth parliaments in increasing the participation of young
people in political processes. Also, the article describes the practical experiences of the …

[PDF][PDF] Jugend und Politik in Europa

F Krawatzek - krawatzek.wordpress.com
Wenn Hilfe benötigt wird, um das Lesepensum zu bewältigen, sprechen Sie mich bitte an.
Im Verlauf der Sitzungen werden wir spezifische Texte zu unterschiedlichen europäischen …