An environmental history of roadkill: road ecology and the making of the permeable highway

G Kroll - Environmental History, 2015 -
Road-killed animals are simultaneously one of the most common ways that Americans
encounter wildlife and one of the most unexamined phenomena by scholars. Despite this …

Preventing animal-vehicle crashes using a smart detection technology and warning system

C Druta, AS Alden - Transportation research record, 2020 -
Animal-vehicle collisions (AVCs), and deer-vehicle collisions (DVCs) in particular, are a
major safety problem on roads in Virginia, United States. Mitigation measures such as …

Performance of arch-style road crossing structures from relative movement rates of large mammals

AZ Andis, MP Huijser, L Broberg - Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2017 -
In recent decades, an increasing number of highway construction and reconstruction
projects have included mitigation measures aimed at reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions and …

[KNYGA][B] Human-wildlife conflict management: Prevention and problem solving

RF Reidinger Jr - 2022 -
The latest edition of this classic guide details how to understand and resolve a broad array
of human-wildlife conflicts. This new edition of Human-Wildlife Conflict Management …

Roadside activity and behavior of white-tailed deer and other wildlife near unfenced underpasses

BM Donaldson, YJ Kweon… - Transportation Research …, 2016 -
More than 1.2 million deer–vehicle collisions (DVCs) occurred in the United States in 2014.
US highways have thousands of bridges and culverts large enough to facilitate safe …

[PDF][PDF] US 93 North post-construction wildlife-vehicle collision and wildlife crossing monitoring and research on the Flathead Indian Reservation between Evaro and …

MP Huijser, E Fairbank, W Camel-Means… - Montana Department of …, 2015 -
This annual report contains a preliminary summary for work conducted in 2013 for the US
Highway 93 North wildlife mitigation evaluation project on the Flathead Indian Reservation …

Implementation and Evaluation of a Buried Cable Roadside Animal Detection System and Deer Warning Sign

C Druta, AS Alden - 2019 -
Animal-vehicle collisions (AVC), and deer-vehicle collisions (DVC) in particular, are a major
safety problem on Virginia roads. Mitigation measures such as improved fencing and …

[PDF][PDF] 公路路域动物生态学研究方法综述

王云, 朴**吉, 关磊, 孔亚** - 四川动物, 2014 -
目的, 一般同时记录影响道路动物死亡的因子, 从动物自身(生活史), 周边环境(可现场记录如植被
, 土地利用, 与水源地距离, 与动物通道距离等; 通过UJZ 识别遥感图上的以死亡点为中心一定 …

[PDF][PDF] Recomendaciones para el Diseño de Cruces de Caminos para Jaguares

SM Matthews, JP Beckmann… - Reporte Final de Wildlife …, 2015 -
Mantener la conectividad de los jaguares desde el sur de Arizona y Nuevo México hasta la
Sierra Madre Occidental de México es una prioridad de conservación (Zeller 2007 …

[KNYGA][B] US 93 Post-construction Wildlife-vehicle Collision and Wildlife Crossing Monitoring and Research on the Flathead Indian Reservation Between Evaro and …

MP Huijser, TDH Allen, W Camel, C Salish, K Tribes - 2010 -
This first annual report contains a preliminary summary for work conducted in 2007-2009
and related to the US 93 wildlife mitigation evaluation project. The mitigation measures …