Evaluating recommender systems for technology enhanced learning: a quantitative survey

M Erdt, A Fernandez, C Rensing - IEEE Transactions on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The increasing number of publications on recommender systems for Technology Enhanced
Learning (TEL) evidence a growing interest in their development and deployment. In order …

An intelligent interface for learning content: Combining an open learner model and social comparison to support self-regulated learning and engagement

J Guerra, R Hosseini, S Somyurek… - Proceedings of the 21st …, 2016 - dl.acm.org
We present the Mastery Grids system, an intelligent interface for online learning content that
combines open learner modeling (OLM) and social comparison features. We grounded the …

A multi-temporal context-aware system for competences management

JH Rosa, JLV Barbosa, M Kich, L Brito - International Journal of Artificial …, 2015 - Springer
The evolution of computing technology and wireless networks has contributed to the
miniaturization of mobile devices and their increase in power, providing services anywhere …

Knowledge structures for integrating working and learning: A reflection on a decade of learning technology research for workplace learning

T Ley - British Journal of Educational Technology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Designing intelligent services for workplace learning presents a special challenge for
researchers and developers of learning technology. One of the reasons is that considering …

Technology-enhanced professional learning

A Littlejohn, A Margaryan - … handbook of research in professional and …, 2014 - Springer
Societal and technological changes are transforming the ways people work and learn. As
work roles evolve, learning for work becomes continual and personalised. These …

QuizMap: open social student modeling and adaptive navigation support with TreeMaps

P Brusilovsky, IH Hsiao, Y Folajimi - … Learning, EC-TEL 2011, Palermo, Italy …, 2011 - Springer
In this paper, we present a novel approach to integrate social adaptive navigation support
for self-assessment questions with an open student model using QuizMap, a TreeMap …

Issues and considerations regarding sharable data sets for recommender systems in technology enhanced learning

H Drachsler, T Bogers, R Vuorikari, K Verbert… - Procedia Computer …, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper raises the issue of missing data sets for recommender systems in Technology
Enhanced Learning that can be used as benchmarks to compare different recommendation …

Technology-enhanced assessment visualization for smart learning environments

H Ferreira, GP de Oliveira, R Araújo, F Dorça… - Smart Learning …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract In Smart Learning Environments, students need to be aware of their academic
performance so they can self-regulate their learning process. Likewise, the teaching process …

Multi-stakeholder work integrated learning model for higher education-a transdisciplinary approach

M Wait, CM Govender - South African Journal of Higher Education, 2016 - journals.co.za
Work integrated learning (WIL) is essential to successful higher education curricula and
qualifications. Traditional WIL models are discipline specific with collaboration between …