[HTML][HTML] What about citizens? A literature review of citizen engagement in sustainability transitions research
Public engagement is understood as a prerequisite for sustainability transitions. Yet, it has
remained peripheral to the transitions research agenda and the efforts to engage citizens in …
remained peripheral to the transitions research agenda and the efforts to engage citizens in …
[HTML][HTML] Positive energy districts: Mainstreaming energy transition in urban areas
Abstract The concept of Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) has emerged to facilitate the energy
transition and contribute to climate neutrality through energy efficiency and net zero energy …
transition and contribute to climate neutrality through energy efficiency and net zero energy …
[HTML][HTML] Decarbonising Europe–EU citizens' perception of renewable energy transition amidst the European Green Deal
The COVID-19 crisis has imposed a rediscussion of energy transition, offering the chance of
promoting socioeconomic and ecological resilience to the energy sector, crucial for the post …
promoting socioeconomic and ecological resilience to the energy sector, crucial for the post …
[HTML][HTML] An interdisciplinary understanding of energy citizenship: Integrating psychological, legal, and economic perspectives on a citizen-centred sustainable energy …
Energy citizenship is an emerging concept in policy and practice. Yet scientific theorising
around energy citizenship is scarce, and rarely bundled in interdisciplinary discourse. In this …
around energy citizenship is scarce, and rarely bundled in interdisciplinary discourse. In this …
Reviewing the peer-to-peer transactive energy market: Trading environment, optimization methodology, and relevant resources
Y **a, Q Xu, S Li, R Tang, P Du - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023 - Elsevier
With the high penetration of renewable energy resources on the demand side, peer-to-peer
(P2P) energy sharing has emerged as a promising method for consuming the surplus …
(P2P) energy sharing has emerged as a promising method for consuming the surplus …
[HTML][HTML] Gauging public perceptions of blue and green hydrogen futures: Is the twin-track approach compatible with hydrogen acceptance?
National hydrogen strategies are emerging as a critical pillar of climate change policy. For
homes connected to the gas grid, hydrogen may offer an alternative decarbonisation …
homes connected to the gas grid, hydrogen may offer an alternative decarbonisation …
[HTML][HTML] Divergent consumer preferences and visions for cooking and heating technologies in the United Kingdom: Make our homes clean, safe, warm and smart!
Decarbonising the global housing stock is imperative for reaching climate change targets. In
the United Kingdom, hydrogen is currently being tested as a replacement fuel for natural …
the United Kingdom, hydrogen is currently being tested as a replacement fuel for natural …
[HTML][HTML] Low-energy residential building optimisation for energy and comfort enhancement in semi-arid climate conditions
The application of energy-efficient strategies in buildings, such as the Green Building
Concept, can significantly impact human comfort and resource consumption. However, due …
Concept, can significantly impact human comfort and resource consumption. However, due …
Scales of solar energy: Exploring citizen satisfaction, interest, and values in a comparison of regions in Portugal and Spain
Solar energy installations are transforming urban and rural landscapes, with diverse
socioeconomic and environmental impacts on local populations. Social acceptance of solar …
socioeconomic and environmental impacts on local populations. Social acceptance of solar …
[HTML][HTML] Applying graph theory to find key leverage points in the transition toward urban renewable energy systems
A Rozhkov - Applied Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
This article employs graph theory to quantitatively analyze the causal loop diagrams,
focusing on the transition to decentralized renewable energy markets and identifying key …
focusing on the transition to decentralized renewable energy markets and identifying key …