Competing for attentional priority: temporary goals versus threats.
Numerous studies have shown that attention is biased toward threatening events. More
recent evidence has also found attentional biases for stimuli that are relevant to the current …
recent evidence has also found attentional biases for stimuli that are relevant to the current …
Working memory load reduces facilitated processing of threatening faces: an ERP study.
The present study tested the hypothesis that facilitated processing of threatening faces
depends on working memory load. Participants judged the gender of angry versus happy …
depends on working memory load. Participants judged the gender of angry versus happy …
Task relevance of emotional information affects anxiety-linked attention bias in visual search
Task relevance affects emotional attention in healthy individuals. Here, we investigate
whether the association between anxiety and attention bias is affected by the task relevance …
whether the association between anxiety and attention bias is affected by the task relevance …
Room for feelings: A “working memory” account of affective processing
In the past decades, affective science has overwhelmingly demonstrated the unique
properties of affective information to bias our attention, memory, and decisions. At the same …
properties of affective information to bias our attention, memory, and decisions. At the same …
Attentional allocation to task-irrelevant fearful faces is not automatic: Experimental evidence for the conditional hypothesis of emotional selection
Q Victeur, P Huguet, L Silvert - Cognition and Emotion, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT A growing body of research indicates that attentional biases toward emotional
stimuli are not automatic, but may depend on the relevance of emotion to the top-down …
stimuli are not automatic, but may depend on the relevance of emotion to the top-down …
Testing a goal-driven account of involuntary attentional capture by threat.
Attention has long been characterized within prominent models as reflecting a competition
between goal-driven and stimulus-driven processes. It remains unclear, however, how …
between goal-driven and stimulus-driven processes. It remains unclear, however, how …
Now you see it, now you don't: Relevance of threat enhances social anxiety-linked attentional bias to angry faces, but relevance of neutral information attenuates it
Temporary goals modulate attention to threat. We examined whether attentional bias to
angry faces differs depending on whether a temporary background goal is neutral, or threat …
angry faces differs depending on whether a temporary background goal is neutral, or threat …
The spider does not always win the fight for attention: Disengagement from threat is modulated by goal set
Stimulus-driven preferential attention to threat can be modulated by goal-driven attention.
However, it remains unclear how this goal-driven modulation affects specific attentional …
However, it remains unclear how this goal-driven modulation affects specific attentional …
Emotion–attention interactions in fear conditioning: Moderation by executive load, neuroticism, and awareness
Despite increasing evidence suggesting interactive effects of emotion and attention on
perceptual processing, it still remains unclear how their interplay influences affective …
perceptual processing, it still remains unclear how their interplay influences affective …
Attentional capture by irrelevant emotional distractor faces is contingent on implicit attentional settings
Although expressions of facial emotion hold a special status in attention relative to other
complex objects, whether they summon our attention automatically and against our …
complex objects, whether they summon our attention automatically and against our …