Non-cognitive skills and other related concepts: towards a better understanding of similarities and differences

M Cinque, S Carretero, J Napierala - 2021 -
The aim of this working paper is to discuss the existing terminology, taxonomies, frameworks
and concepts used for non-cognitive skills contained in the literature on labour market and …

Influence and Induction of College Students' Personality Traits on Self-awareness

S Wang - 2021 International Conference on Social Development …, 2022 -
This study aims to explore the influence and induction of five-factor personality traits on self-
awareness. 90 participants were recruited as the research subjects and were divided into …

[КНИГА][B] The Influence of Social-Emotional Learning in High School Advisory Programs on Student Engagement and Success

CL O'Neal - 2021 -
Social-emotional learning (SEL) can help decrease negative outcomes and improve positive
outcomes for high school youth, and student advisory time can be one effective mechanism …

Evidence from Psychological Studies

J Scheerens, G van der Werf, H de Boer… - Soft Skills in Education …, 2020 - Springer
Evidence from Psychological Studies | SpringerLink Skip to main content Advertisement
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Relação Escola–Família em Tempos de Pandemia Relação Escola–Família em Tempos de Pandemia: Co (N) vid (AR) à Reflexão

LM Carreiro - 2020 -
A Escola sempre desenvolveu competências académicas, contudo é imperativo que se
desenvolvam também as competências socioemocionas, fulcrais para o desenvolvimento …