Informing the design of spoken conversational search: Perspective paper
We conducted a laboratory-based observational study where pairs of people performed
search tasks communicating verbally. Examination of the discourse allowed commonly used …
search tasks communicating verbally. Examination of the discourse allowed commonly used …
CC-News-En: A large English news corpus
We describe a static, open-access news corpus using data from the Common Crawl
Foundation, who provide free, publicly available web archives, including a continuous crawl …
Foundation, who provide free, publicly available web archives, including a continuous crawl …
Development and evaluation of search tasks for IIR experiments using a cognitive complexity framework
One of the most challenging aspects of designing interactive information retrieval (IIR)
experiments with users is the development of search tasks. We describe an evaluation of 20 …
experiments with users is the development of search tasks. We describe an evaluation of 20 …
Evaluating the robustness of retrieval pipelines with query variation generators
Heavily pre-trained transformers for language modeling, such as BERT, have shown to be
remarkably effective for Information Retrieval (IR) tasks, typically applied to re-rank the …
remarkably effective for Information Retrieval (IR) tasks, typically applied to re-rank the …
Towards a model for spoken conversational search
Conversation is the natural mode for information exchange in daily life, a spoken
conversational interaction for search input and output is a logical format for information …
conversational interaction for search input and output is a logical format for information …
Towards multi-modal conversational information seeking
Recent research on conversational information seeking (CIS) mostly focuses on uni-modal
interactions and information items. This per-spective paper highlights the importance of …
interactions and information items. This per-spective paper highlights the importance of …
Overview of the CLEF eHealth evaluation lab 2019
In this paper, we provide an overview of the seventh annual edition of the CLEF eHealth
evaluation lab. CLEF eHealth 2019 continues our evaluation resource building efforts …
evaluation lab. CLEF eHealth 2019 continues our evaluation resource building efforts …
Where do queries come from?
Where do queries--the words searchers type into a search box--come from? The Information
Retrieval community understands the performance of queries and search engines …
Retrieval community understands the performance of queries and search engines …
Incorporating user expectations and behavior into the measurement of search effectiveness
Information retrieval systems aim to help users satisfy information needs. We argue that the
goal of the person using the system, and the pattern of behavior that they exhibit as they …
goal of the person using the system, and the pattern of behavior that they exhibit as they …
UQV100: A test collection with query variability
We describe the UQV100 test collection, designed to incorporate variability from users.
Information need? backstories? were written for 100 topics (or sub-topics) from the TREC …
Information need? backstories? were written for 100 topics (or sub-topics) from the TREC …