Empirically-based dynamic risk and protective factors for sexual offending
This review provides an overview and update of empirical evidence for psychologically
meaningful dynamic risk factors and protective factors for sexual offending. Using the review …
meaningful dynamic risk factors and protective factors for sexual offending. Using the review …
Assessing risk for sexual recidivism: Some proposals on the nature of psychologically meaningful risk factors
Risk assessment and treatment for sexual offenders should focus on individual
characteristics associated with recidivism risk. Although it is possible to conduct risk …
characteristics associated with recidivism risk. Although it is possible to conduct risk …
The accuracy of recidivism risk assessments for sexual offenders: a meta-analysis of 118 prediction studies.
RK Hanson, KE Morton-Bourgon - Psychological assessment, 2009 - psycnet.apa.org
This review compared the accuracy of various approaches to the prediction of recidivism
among sexual offenders. On the basis of a meta-analysis of 536 findings drawn from 118 …
among sexual offenders. On the basis of a meta-analysis of 536 findings drawn from 118 …
Improving the predictive accuracy of Static-99 and Static-2002 with older sex offenders: Revised age weights
Actuarial risk assessment scales and their associated recidivism estimates are generally
developed on samples of offenders whose average age is well below 50 years. Criminal …
developed on samples of offenders whose average age is well below 50 years. Criminal …
[HTML][HTML] Static-99R: Strengths, limitations, predictive accuracy meta-analysis, and legal admissibility review.
Most risk assessment scales are developed to broadly rank individuals according to their
risk to reoffend, not to inform particular legal decisions. Consequently, there is almost always …
risk to reoffend, not to inform particular legal decisions. Consequently, there is almost always …
Reductions in risk based on time offense-free in the community: Once a sexual offender, not always a sexual offender.
Whereas there is a common assumption that most individuals with a criminal record can be
eventually reintegrated into the community, the public has different expectations for sexual …
eventually reintegrated into the community, the public has different expectations for sexual …
Absolute recidivism rates predicted by Static-99R and Static-2002R sex offender risk assessment tools vary across samples: A meta-analysis
There has been considerable research on relative predictive accuracy (ie, discrimination) in
offender risk assessment (eg, Are high-risk offenders more likely to reoffend than low-risk …
offender risk assessment (eg, Are high-risk offenders more likely to reoffend than low-risk …
Psychopathy and the combination of psychopathy and sexual deviance as predictors of sexual recidivism: Meta-analytic findings using the Psychopathy Checklist …
Clinicians routinely administer Hare's (2003) Psychopathy Checklist—Revised (PCL-R) to
sex offenders and report PCL-R scores as meaningful predictors of recidivism risk. Although …
sex offenders and report PCL-R scores as meaningful predictors of recidivism risk. Although …
High-risk sex offenders may not be high risk forever
This study examined the extent to which sexual offenders present an enduring risk for sexual
recidivism over a 20-year follow-up period. Using an aggregated sample of 7,740 sexual …
recidivism over a 20-year follow-up period. Using an aggregated sample of 7,740 sexual …
[หนังสือ][B] What works (and doesn't) in reducing recidivism
What Works (and Doesn't) in Reducing Recidivism offers criminologists and students an
evidence-based discussion of the latest trends in corrections. Experts Latessa, Johnson, and …
evidence-based discussion of the latest trends in corrections. Experts Latessa, Johnson, and …