From static output feedback to structured robust static output feedback: A survey

MS Sadabadi, D Peaucelle - Annual reviews in control, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper reviews the vast literature on static output feedback design for linear time-
invariant systems including classical results and recent developments. In particular, we …

Guaranteed minimum-rank solutions of linear matrix equations via nuclear norm minimization

B Recht, M Fazel, PA Parrilo - SIAM review, 2010 - SIAM
The affine rank minimization problem consists of finding a matrix of minimum rank that
satisfies a given system of linear equality constraints. Such problems have appeared in the …

[KNJIGA][B] Convex optimization & Euclidean distance geometry

J Dattorro - 2010 -
Convex Analysis is the calculus of inequalities while Convex Optimization is its application.
Analysis is inherently the domain of the mathematician while Optimization belongs to the …

Guaranteed rank minimization via singular value projection

P Jain, R Meka, I Dhillon - Advances in Neural Information …, 2010 -
Minimizing the rank of a matrix subject to affine constraints is a fundamental problem with
many important applications in machine learning and statistics. In this paper we propose a …

Rank minimization and applications in system theory

M Fazel, H Hindi, S Boyd - Proceedings of the 2004 American …, 2004 -
In this tutorial paper, we consider the problem of minimizing the rank of a matrix over a
convex set. The rank minimization problem (RMP) arises in diverse areas such as control …

Local linear convergence for alternating and averaged nonconvex projections

AS Lewis, DR Luke, J Malick - Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2009 - Springer
The idea of a finite collection of closed sets having “linearly regular intersection” at a point is
crucial in variational analysis. This central theoretical condition also has striking algorithmic …

Alternating projections on manifolds

AS Lewis, J Malick - Mathematics of Operations Research, 2008 -
We prove that if two smooth manifolds intersect transversally, then the method of alternating
projections converges locally at a linear rate. We bound the speed of convergence in terms …

Rank-constrained solutions to linear matrix equations using powerfactorization

JP Haldar, D Hernando - IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2009 -
Algorithms to construct/recover low-rank matrices satisfying a set of linear equality
constraints have important applications in many signal processing contexts. Recently …

A Newton-like method for solving rank constrained linear matrix inequalities

R Orsi, U Helmke, JB Moore - Automatica, 2006 - Elsevier
This paper presents a Newton-like algorithm for solving systems of rank constrained linear
matrix inequalities. Though local quadratic convergence of the algorithm is not a priori …

An efficient numerical solution for H2 static output feedback synthesis

D Peaucelle, D Arzelier - 2001 European control conference …, 2001 -
This paper addresses the problem of static output feedback synthesis and focuses on H 2
optimisation. The bilinear problem of finding a control feedback gain K and a Lyapunov …