Adaptive Anderson mixing for electronic structure calculations
Convergence rates of iterative algorithms for solving non-linear fixed-point (or root-finding)
problems depend on the quality of the solution guess done in each iteration, which is used …
problems depend on the quality of the solution guess done in each iteration, which is used …
Core spin-polarization correction in pseudopotential-based electronic structure calculations
A simple scheme for the evaluation of the core spin-polarization contribution within
pseudopotential electronic structure methods is proposed. The method uses a …
pseudopotential electronic structure methods is proposed. The method uses a …
All-electron pseudopotentials
J Vackář, M Hyt'ha, A Šimůnek - Physical Review B, 1998 - APS
We present an ab initio procedure for the construction of pseudopotentials accommodated to
a crystal environment under study, which takes into account the response of the core charge …
a crystal environment under study, which takes into account the response of the core charge …
Quantitative criteria for transferable pseudopotentials in density functional theory
We generate a series of pseudopotentials to examine the relationship between
pseudoatomic properties and solid-state results. We find that lattice constants and bulk …
pseudoatomic properties and solid-state results. We find that lattice constants and bulk …
Insights into the adsorption of water and oxygen on the cubic CsPbBr3 surfaces: A first-principles study
X Zhang, R Quhe, M Lei - Chinese Physics B, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
The degradation mechanism of the all-inorganic perovskite solar cells in the ambient
environment remains unclear. In this paper, water and oxygen molecule adsorptions on the …
environment remains unclear. In this paper, water and oxygen molecule adsorptions on the …
Computersimulationen zu Struktur und Wachstum von Bornitrid
K Albe - 1998 - hzdr.qucosa.de
Abstract (DE) Dünne Filme aus kubischem Bornitrid (c-BN) sind aufgrund ihrer
herausragenden thermomechanischen, chemischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von …
herausragenden thermomechanischen, chemischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von …
Truncated pseudopotentials for alloy calculations
M Alatalo, M Weinert, RE Watson - Physical Review B, 1999 - APS
In first-principles plane-wave pseudopotential calculations, there is a subtle interplay
between the convergence of the wave function and the pseudopotential expansions …
between the convergence of the wave function and the pseudopotential expansions …
Temperature-dependent behavior of from first principles
E Cockayne, BP Burton, L Bellaiche - AIP Conference Proceedings, 2001 - pubs.aip.org
We study the ferroelectric phase transition in PbSc 1/2 Nb 1/2 O 3 (PSN) using a first-
principles effective Hamiltonian approach. Results for PSN with NaCl-type ordering of Sc …
principles effective Hamiltonian approach. Results for PSN with NaCl-type ordering of Sc …
Accurate construction of transition metal pseudopotentials for oxides
We generate a series of Zr pseudopotentials and use them to calculate the properties of
PbZrO 3, in order to examine the relationship between pseudo-atomic properties and solid …
PbZrO 3, in order to examine the relationship between pseudo-atomic properties and solid …
[หนังสือ][B] A combined first principles and statistical mechanics method for the study of point defects in aluminum-rich nickel aluminide systems
MF Rasamny - 1999 - search.proquest.com
Ordered intermetallics have emerged as promising candidates for high temperature
structural applications. In particular, NiAl alloys have enjoyed a great deal of attention …
structural applications. In particular, NiAl alloys have enjoyed a great deal of attention …