[PDF][PDF] Assessment of the effectiveness of social programing
V Terziev - IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social …, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
The entire diversity of assessments made by various subjects, going through certain
procedures and stages in the assessment process, turns into resultant (final) assessments …
procedures and stages in the assessment process, turns into resultant (final) assessments …
[PDF][PDF] Social efficiency as a measure of social activities
V Terziev - International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
Speaking of efficiency as a key concept for any socio-economic activity, the focus is
traditionally on economic efficiency, expressed in the „costs-effects (benefits)” correlation …
traditionally on economic efficiency, expressed in the „costs-effects (benefits)” correlation …
[PDF][PDF] Active social programs development in Bulgaria: contemporary challenges and social management instruments
V Terziev - IJASOS-International E-journal of Advances in Social …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
The study presented comes as a result and in response to the identified priorities of the
social policy in Bulgaria and logically outlines the actions for an effective management of the …
social policy in Bulgaria and logically outlines the actions for an effective management of the …
[PDF][PDF] The Role and Place of Social Programing in Public Governance
V Terziev - International E-Journal of Advances in Social Sciences, 2019 - dergipark.org.tr
In its development, the concept of „programming” in its classic form is established in
mathematics as a set of methods to create an algorithm of work of electronic computing …
mathematics as a set of methods to create an algorithm of work of electronic computing …
Social activity of human resource as a basis of effective social policy
V Terziev, V Banabakova… - Available at SSRN …, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
Social policy as a set of principles, legal norms, activities and institutions, aimed at creating
conditions that ensure the quality of life of the citizens of a country, is an expression of the …
conditions that ensure the quality of life of the citizens of a country, is an expression of the …
Social programming in the system of sociological categories concerning market economy and labor market development in transition economy
V Terziev - Культура. Духовность. Общество, 2015 - cyberleninka.ru
The transition to a market economy is linked to a number of priorities in national social
policies and labor market development. The paper discusses theoretical and practical basis …
policies and labor market development. The paper discusses theoretical and practical basis …
[PDF][PDF] Active social policies-insights in develo** a functioning labor market
E Arabska - Balkan and Near Eastern Journal of Social Sciences …, 2016 - researchgate.net
Development of a functioning labor market is an issue of special consideration in recent
years of extensive attempts to make proper assessments of the effectiveness of implemented …
years of extensive attempts to make proper assessments of the effectiveness of implemented …
Social programming as a possibility to increase social efficiency
V Terziev, V Banabakova… - Available at SSRN …, 2018 - papers.ssrn.com
In order for the assessment to be reliable, it should be carried out by specialists, using
consistent modern standards of methodology. In addition, the information on the assessment …
consistent modern standards of methodology. In addition, the information on the assessment …
An active model of a social program and its strategic advantage
V Terziev - Система ценностей современного общества, 2015 - cyberleninka.ru
The paper presents an active model of a social program and discusses its strategic
advantage. The analyses made are based on a study of the experience of the Republic of …
advantage. The analyses made are based on a study of the experience of the Republic of …
Social policy development in the Republic of Bulgaria during the transition period to a market economy
VK Terziev - Новый взгляд. Международный научный вестник, 2015 - cyberleninka.ru
The paper discusses the development of social policies in the transition period presenting
the specific case of the Republic of Bulgaria. Employment policies and measures are …
the specific case of the Republic of Bulgaria. Employment policies and measures are …