Exploring the theory, barriers and enablers for patient and public involvement across health, social care and patient safety: a systematic review of reviews
Background The emergence of patient and public involvement (PPI) in healthcare in the UK
can be traced as far back as the 1970s. More recently, campaigns by harmed patients have …
can be traced as far back as the 1970s. More recently, campaigns by harmed patients have …
Partnerships, processes, and outcomes: A health equity–focused sco** meta-review of community-engaged scholarship
In recent decades, there has been remarkable growth in scholarship examining the
usefulness of community-engaged research (CEnR) and community-based participatory …
usefulness of community-engaged research (CEnR) and community-based participatory …
The dark side of coproduction: do the costs outweigh the benefits for health research?
Background Coproduction, a collaborative model of research that includes stakeholders in
the research process, has been widely advocated as a means of facilitating research use …
the research process, has been widely advocated as a means of facilitating research use …
Patient and public engagement in priority setting: a systematic rapid review of the literature
E Manafò, L Petermann, V Vandall-Walker… - PloS one, 2018 - journals.plos.org
Background Current research suggests that while patients are becoming more engaged
across the health delivery spectrum, this involvement occurs most often at the pre …
across the health delivery spectrum, this involvement occurs most often at the pre …
Patient and public engagement in integrated knowledge translation research: are we there yet?
Plain English summary There have been many attempts to improve how healthcare services
are developed and delivered. Despite this, we know that there are many gaps and …
are developed and delivered. Despite this, we know that there are many gaps and …
Measuring community‐engaged research contexts, processes, and outcomes: a map** review
Policy Points Community‐engaged research (CEnR) engenders meaningful academic‐
community partnerships to improve research quality and health outcomes. CEnR has …
community partnerships to improve research quality and health outcomes. CEnR has …
Supporting quality public and patient engagement in health system organizations: development and usability testing of the P Ublic and P Atient E Ngagement E …
J Abelson, K Li, G Wilson, K Shields… - Health …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Objectives Only rudimentary tools exist to support health system organizations to evaluate
their public and patient engagement (PPE) activities. This study responds to this gap by …
their public and patient engagement (PPE) activities. This study responds to this gap by …
The impact of patient and public involvement in health research versus healthcare: a sco** review of reviews
Many policies promote patient and public involvement (PPI) in health research and
healthcare provision. However, research points to uncertainties about its impact. The aim of …
healthcare provision. However, research points to uncertainties about its impact. The aim of …
Challenges and solutions in the continuity of home care for rural older people: A thematic analysis
R Ohta, Y Ryu, J Kitayuguchi, T Gomi… - Home health care …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Home care is essential for the continuity of care, but rural communities struggle to procure
these services regularly. As rural populations age, these difficulties may be exacerbated …
these services regularly. As rural populations age, these difficulties may be exacerbated …
Metrics and evaluation tools for patient engagement in healthcare organization-and system-level decision-making: a systematic review
V Dukhanin, R Topazian… - International journal of …, 2018 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Background: Patient, public, consumer, and community (P2C2) engagement in organization-
, community-, and systemlevel healthcare decision-making is increasing globally, but its …
, community-, and systemlevel healthcare decision-making is increasing globally, but its …