Nonequilibrium phenomena in high Landau levels

IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov, MA Zudov - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2012‏ - APS
Developments in the physics of 2D electron systems during the last decade revealed a new
class of nonequilibrium phenomena in the presence of a moderately strong magnetic field …

Two-dimensional plasmons in laterally confined 2d electron systems

IV Zagorodnev, AA Zabolotnykh, DA Rodionov… - Nanomaterials, 2023‏ -
The collective oscillations of charge density (plasmons) in conductive solids are basic
excitations that determine the dynamic response of the system. In infinite two-dimensional …

Zero-resistance states induced by electromagnetic-wave excitation in GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures

RG Mani, JH Smet, K von Klitzing, V Narayanamurti… - Nature, 2002‏ -
The observation of vanishing electrical resistance in condensed matter has led to the
discovery of new phenomena such as, for example, superconductivity, where a zero …

Evidence for a new dissipationless effect in 2D electronic transport

MA Zudov, RR Du, LN Pfeiffer, KW West - Physical review letters, 2003‏ - APS
In an ultraclean 2D electron system (2DES) subjected to crossed millimeterwave (30–150
GHz) and weak (B< 2 k G) magnetic fields, a series of apparently dissipationless states …

Radiation-induced magnetoresistance oscillations in a 2D electron gas

AC Durst, S Sachdev, N Read, SM Girvin - Physica E: Low-dimensional …, 2003‏ - Elsevier
Remarkable recent experiments have shown that microwave radiation can induce dramatic
changes in the DC transport properties of a high mobility two-dimensional electron gas. In …

Theory of microwave-induced oscillations in the magnetoconductivity of a two-dimensional electron gas

IA Dmitriev, MG Vavilov, IL Aleiner, AD Mirlin… - Physical Review B …, 2005‏ - APS
We develop a theory of magneto-oscillations in the photoconductivity of a two-dimensional
electron gas observed in recent experiments. The effect is governed by a change of the …

Magnetotransport in a two-dimensional electron gas at large filling factors

MG Vavilov, IL Aleiner - Physical Review B, 2004‏ - APS
We derive the quantum Boltzmann equation for the two-dimensional electron gas in a
magnetic field such that the filling factor ν≫ 1. This equation describes all of the effects of the …

Cyclotron-Resonance Harmonics in the ac Response<? format?> of a 2D Electron Gas with Smooth Disorder

IA Dmitriev, AD Mirlin, DG Polyakov - Physical review letters, 2003‏ - APS
The frequency-dependent conductivity σ xx (ω) of 2D electrons subjected to a transverse
magnetic field and smooth disorder is calculated. The interplay of Landau quantization and …

Evidence for Current-Flow Anomalies in the Irradiated 2D Electron System<? format?> at Small Magnetic Fields

RL Willett, LN Pfeiffer, KW West - Physical review letters, 2004‏ - APS
We report experimental transport results in 2D electron systems exposed to dipole radiation
up to 20 GHz. Magnetoresistance oscillations occur as seen with higher frequency radiation; …

Circular-Polarization-Dependent Study of the Microwave Photoconductivity<? format?> in a Two-Dimensional Electron System

JH Smet, B Gorshunov, C Jiang, L Pfeiffer, K West… - Physical review …, 2005‏ - APS
The polarization dependence of the low field microwave photoconductivity and absorption of
a two-dimensional electron system has been investigated in a quasioptical setup in which …