A comparative study on finite elements for capturing strong discontinuities: E-FEM vs X-FEM

J Oliver, AE Huespe, PJ Sánchez - Computer methods in applied …, 2006 - Elsevier
A comparative study on finite elements for capturing strong discontinuities by means of
elemental (E-FEM) or nodal enrichments (X-FEM) is presented. Based on the same …

A statistical model of fracture for a 2D hexagonal mesh: The Cell Network Model of Fracture for the bamboo Guadua angustifolia

G Villalobos, DL Linero, JD Muñoz - Computer Physics Communications, 2011 - Elsevier
A 2D, hexagonal in geometry, statistical model of fracture is proposed. The model is based
on the drying fracture process of the bamboo Guadua angustifolia. A network of flexible cells …

Finite Elements With Embedded Strong Discontinuities For The Numerical Simulation In Failure Mechanics: E-Fem And X-Fem.

PJ Sánchez, J Oliver, AE Huespe… - Mecánica …, 2005 - venus.santafe-conicet.gov.ar
In recent years, and in the context of the so called discrete cohesive models, finite elements
with embedded strong discontinuities, material failure, modelling, concrete fracture. Abstract …

[PDF][PDF] Fractura de Materiales Compuestos en Elementos Sometidos a Tracción Uniforme Mediante la Formulación de Discontinuidades Fuertes

J Oliver, AE Huespe, DL Linero, MDG Pulido - 2005 - researchgate.net
Este trabajo describe la simulación numérica de ensayos de tracción en materiales
compuestos conformados por matriz y fibras largas orientadas en dirección de la carga …

Multibody Contact Algorithms for Fracturing Solids

P Wriggers, S Reese - Modelling, Simulation and Software Concepts for …, 2011 - Springer
Processes in which localizations lead to fracture are common for brittle materials. To
simulate these problems methods have to be designed that allow for crack detection and …

[Цитат][C] Recent developments on the numerical modelling of cracking of plane and reinforced concrete with the Continuum Strong Discontinuity Approach (CSDA)

J Oliver, AE Huespe, MDG Pulido, S Blanco, D Linero - EUROMECH Colloquium, 2005