A systematic review on affective computing: Emotion models, databases, and recent advances
Affective computing conjoins the research topics of emotion recognition and sentiment
analysis, and can be realized with unimodal or multimodal data, consisting primarily of …
analysis, and can be realized with unimodal or multimodal data, consisting primarily of …
Video-based facial micro-expression analysis: A survey of datasets, features and algorithms
Unlike the conventional facial expressions, micro-expressions are involuntary and transient
facial expressions capable of revealing the genuine emotions that people attempt to hide …
facial expressions capable of revealing the genuine emotions that people attempt to hide …
Shallow triple stream three-dimensional cnn (ststnet) for micro-expression recognition
In the recent year, state-of-the-art for facial micro-expression recognition have been
significantly advanced by deep neural networks. The robustness of deep learning has …
significantly advanced by deep neural networks. The robustness of deep learning has …
Multi-objective based spatio-temporal feature representation learning robust to expression intensity variations for facial expression recognition
Facial expression recognition (FER) is increasingly gaining importance in various emerging
affective computing applications. In practice, achieving accurate FER is challenging due to …
affective computing applications. In practice, achieving accurate FER is challenging due to …
MESNet: A convolutional neural network for spotting multi-scale micro-expression intervals in long videos
Micro-expression spotting is a fundamental step in the micro-expression analysis. This
paper proposes a novel network based convolutional neural network (CNN) for spotting …
paper proposes a novel network based convolutional neural network (CNN) for spotting …
Micro-expression recognition based on 3D flow convolutional neural network
Micro-expression recognition (MER) is a growing field of research which is currently in its
early stage of development. Unlike conventional macro-expressions, micro-expressions …
early stage of development. Unlike conventional macro-expressions, micro-expressions …
Micro-expression recognition with expression-state constrained spatio-temporal feature representations
Recognizing spontaneous micro-expression in video sequences is a challenging problem.
In this paper, we propose a new method of small scale spatio-temporal feature learning. The …
In this paper, we propose a new method of small scale spatio-temporal feature learning. The …
Feature refinement: An expression-specific feature learning and fusion method for micro-expression recognition
Micro-expression recognition has become challenging, as it is extremely difficult to extract
the subtle facial changes of micro-expressions. Recently, several approaches have …
the subtle facial changes of micro-expressions. Recently, several approaches have …
A survey of automatic facial micro-expression analysis: databases, methods, and challenges
Over the last few years, automatic facial micro-expression analysis has garnered increasing
attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in …
attention from experts across different disciplines because of its potential applications in …
Fuzzy histogram of optical flow orientations for micro-expression recognition
In high-stake situations, the micro-expressions reveal the hidden emotions of a person and it
has potential applications in many areas. The recognition of such short-lived subtle …
has potential applications in many areas. The recognition of such short-lived subtle …