Amazon hydrology from space: scientific advances and future challenges
As the largest river basin on Earth, the Amazon is of major importance to the world's climate
and water resources. Over the past decades, advances in satellite‐based remote sensing …
and water resources. Over the past decades, advances in satellite‐based remote sensing …
Review of assimilating GRACE terrestrial water storage data into hydrological models: Advances, challenges and opportunities
Global climate change and anthropogenic impacts lead to alterations in the water cycle,
water resource availability and the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts. As a …
water resource availability and the frequency and intensity of floods and droughts. As a …
Understanding the global hydrological droughts of 2003–2016 and their relationships with teleconnections
Droughts often evolve gradually and cover large areas, and therefore, affect many people
and activities. This motivates develo** techniques to integrate different satellite …
and activities. This motivates develo** techniques to integrate different satellite …
Terrestrial and groundwater storage characteristics and their quantification in the Chitral (Pakistan) and Kabul (Afghanistan) river basins using GRACE/GRACE-FO …
Abstract In Pakistan and Afghanistan, intensive groundwater abstraction has accelerated
socioeconomic development, but it also endangers the long-term sustainability of …
socioeconomic development, but it also endangers the long-term sustainability of …
What Is the Spatial Resolution of grace Satellite Products for Hydrology?
The mass change information from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (grace)
satellite mission is available in terms of noisy spherical harmonic coefficients truncated at a …
satellite mission is available in terms of noisy spherical harmonic coefficients truncated at a …
Understanding linkages between global climate indices and terrestrial water storage changes over Africa using GRACE products
Africa, a continent endowed with huge water resources that sustain its agricultural activities
is increasingly coming under threat from impacts of climate extremes (droughts and floods) …
is increasingly coming under threat from impacts of climate extremes (droughts and floods) …
[HTML][HTML] An iterative ICA-based reconstruction method to produce consistent time-variable total water storage fields using GRACE and Swarm satellite data
Observing global terrestrial water storage changes (TWSCs) from (inter-) seasonal to (multi-)
decade time-scales is very important to understand the Earth as a system under natural and …
decade time-scales is very important to understand the Earth as a system under natural and …
Multi-mission satellite remote sensing data for improving land hydrological models via data assimilation
Satellite remote sensing offers valuable tools to study Earth and hydrological processes and
improve land surface models. This is essential to improve the quality of model predictions …
improve land surface models. This is essential to improve the quality of model predictions …
[HTML][HTML] The 2019–2020 rise in Lake Victoria monitored from space: exploiting the state-of-the-art grace-fo and the newly released ERA-5 reanalysis products
During the period 2019–2020, Lake Victoria water levels rose at an alarming rate that has
caused various problems in the region. The influence of this phenomena on surface and …
caused various problems in the region. The influence of this phenomena on surface and …
Determining water storage depletion within Iran by assimilating GRACE data into the W3RA hydrological model
Groundwater depletion, due to both unsustainable water use and a decrease in
precipitation, has been reported in many parts of Iran. In order to analyze these changes …
precipitation, has been reported in many parts of Iran. In order to analyze these changes …