Colloquium: Spintronics in graphene and other two-dimensional materials
After the first unequivocal demonstration of spin transport in graphene [Tombros et al.,
Nature (London) 448, 571–574 (2007)], surprisingly at room temperature, it was quickly …
Nature (London) 448, 571–574 (2007)], surprisingly at room temperature, it was quickly …
Graphene spintronics
The isolation of graphene has triggered an avalanche of studies into the spin-dependent
physical properties of this material and of graphene-based spintronic devices. Here, we …
physical properties of this material and of graphene-based spintronic devices. Here, we …
Long distance spin communication in chemical vapour deposited graphene
Graphene is an ideal medium for long-distance spin communication in future spintronic
technologies. So far, the prospect is limited by the smaller sizes of exfoliated graphene …
technologies. So far, the prospect is limited by the smaller sizes of exfoliated graphene …
Spin transport in graphene/transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
Since its discovery, graphene has been a promising material for spintronics: its low spin–
orbit coupling, negligible hyperfine interaction, and high electron mobility are obvious …
orbit coupling, negligible hyperfine interaction, and high electron mobility are obvious …
Particle–hole symmetry protects spin-valley blockade in graphene quantum dots
Particle–hole symmetry plays an important role in the characterization of topological phases
in solid-state systems. It is found, for example, in free-fermion systems at half filling and it is …
in solid-state systems. It is found, for example, in free-fermion systems at half filling and it is …
Low Schottky Barrier Black Phosphorus Field‐Effect Devices with Ferromagnetic Tunnel Contacts
Black phosphorus (BP) has been recently unveiled as a promising 2D direct bandgap
semiconducting material. Here, ambipolar field‐effect transistor behavior of nanolayers of …
semiconducting material. Here, ambipolar field‐effect transistor behavior of nanolayers of …
Strong modulation of spin currents in bilayer graphene by static and fluctuating proximity exchange fields
Two-dimensional materials provide a unique platform to explore the full potential of
magnetic proximity-driven phenomena, which can be further used for applications in next …
magnetic proximity-driven phenomena, which can be further used for applications in next …
Electronic spin transport in dual-gated bilayer graphene
The elimination of extrinsic sources of spin relaxation is key to realizing the exceptional
intrinsic spin transport performance of graphene. Toward this, we study charge and spin …
intrinsic spin transport performance of graphene. Toward this, we study charge and spin …
Nonlocal spin dynamics in the crossover from diffusive to ballistic transport
Improved fabrication techniques have enabled the possibility of ballistic transport and
unprecedented spin manipulation in ultraclean graphene devices. Spin transport in …
unprecedented spin manipulation in ultraclean graphene devices. Spin transport in …
Effect of contacts on spin lifetime measurements in graphene
E Sosenko, H Wei, V Aji - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
Injection, transmission, and detection of spins in a conducting channel are the basic
ingredients of spintronic devices. Long spin lifetimes during transit are an important …
ingredients of spintronic devices. Long spin lifetimes during transit are an important …