Materials challenges and opportunities for quantum computing hardware

NP De Leon, KM Itoh, D Kim, KK Mehta, TE Northup… - Science, 2021 -
BACKGROUND The past two decades have seen intense efforts aimed at building quantum
computing hardware with the potential to solve problems that are intractable on classical …

Trapped-ion quantum computing: Progress and challenges

CD Bruzewicz, J Chiaverini, R McConnell… - Applied physics …, 2019 -
Trapped ions are among the most promising systems for practical quantum computing (QC).
The basic requirements for universal QC have all been demonstrated with ions, and …

Compact ion-trap quantum computing demonstrator

I Pogorelov, T Feldker, CD Marciniak, L Postler… - PRX quantum, 2021 - APS
Quantum information processing is steadily progressing from a purely academic discipline
towards applications throughout science and industry. Transitioning from lab-based, proof-of …

Quantum simulation and computing with Rydberg-interacting qubits

M Morgado, S Whitlock - AVS Quantum Science, 2021 -
Arrays of optically trapped atoms excited to Rydberg states have recently emerged as a
competitive physical platform for quantum simulation and computing, where high-fidelity …

Quantum computational chemistry

S McArdle, S Endo, A Aspuru-Guzik, SC Benjamin… - Reviews of Modern …, 2020 - APS
One of the most promising suggested applications of quantum computing is solving
classically intractable chemistry problems. This may help to answer unresolved questions …

Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer

K Wright, KM Beck, S Debnath, JM Amini, Y Nam… - Nature …, 2019 -
The field of quantum computing has grown from concept to demonstration devices over the
past 20 years. Universal quantum computing offers efficiency in approaching problems of …

High-fidelity laser-free universal control of trapped ion qubits

R Srinivas, SC Burd, HM Knaack, RT Sutherland… - Nature, 2021 -
Universal control of multiple qubits—the ability to entangle qubits and to perform arbitrary
individual qubit operations—is a fundamental resource for quantum computing, simulation …

High-Fidelity Bell-State Preparation with Optical Qubits

CR Clark, HN Tinkey, BC Sawyer, AM Meier… - Physical Review Letters, 2021 - APS
Entanglement generation in trapped-ion systems has relied thus far on two distinct but
related geometric phase gate techniques: Mølmer-Sørensen and light-shift gates. We …

Rydberg-mediated entanglement in a two-dimensional neutral atom qubit array

TM Graham, M Kwon, B Grinkemeyer, Z Marra, X Jiang… - Physical review …, 2019 - APS
We demonstrate high fidelity two-qubit Rydberg blockade and entanglement on a pair of
sites in a large two-dimensional qubit array. The qubit array is defined by a grid of blue …

Integrated multi-wavelength control of an ion qubit

RJ Niffenegger, J Stuart, C Sorace-Agaskar, D Kharas… - Nature, 2020 -
Monolithic integration of control technologies for atomic systems is a promising route to the
development of quantum computers and portable quantum sensors,,–. Trapped atomic ions …