Light–matter interaction empowered by orbital angular momentum: Control of matter at the micro-and nanoscale
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light is an important feature of structured
electromagnetic fields exhibiting non-uniform spatial distribution. In contrast to a spin …
electromagnetic fields exhibiting non-uniform spatial distribution. In contrast to a spin …
Strong–laser–field physics, non–classical light states and quantum information science
Strong–laser–field physics is a research direction that relies on the use of high-power lasers
and has led to fascinating achievements ranging from relativistic particle acceleration to …
and has led to fascinating achievements ranging from relativistic particle acceleration to …
Roadmap on spatiotemporal light fields
Spatiotemporal sculpturing of light pulse with ultimately sophisticated structures represents a
major goal of the everlasting pursue of ultra-fast information transmission and processing as …
major goal of the everlasting pursue of ultra-fast information transmission and processing as …
Roadmap on structured waves
Structured waves are ubiquitous for all areas of wave physics, both classical and quantum,
where the wavefields are inhomogeneous and cannot be approximated by a single plane …
where the wavefields are inhomogeneous and cannot be approximated by a single plane …
High-harmonic generation from resonant dielectric metasurfaces empowered by bound states in the continuum
Optical bound states in the continuum (BICs) underpin the existence of strongly localized
waves embedded into the radiation spectrum. Here we bring the concept of BICs to the field …
waves embedded into the radiation spectrum. Here we bring the concept of BICs to the field …
Controlling the polarization and vortex charge of attosecond high-harmonic beams via simultaneous spin–orbit momentum conservation
Optical interactions are governed by both spin and angular momentum conservation laws,
which serve as a tool for controlling light–matter interactions or elucidating electron …
which serve as a tool for controlling light–matter interactions or elucidating electron …
Creating high-harmonic beams with controlled orbital angular momentum
A beam with an angular-dependant phase Φ= ℓ ϕ about the beam axis carries an orbital
angular momentum of ℓ ℏ per photon. Such beams are exploited to provide superresolution …
angular momentum of ℓ ℏ per photon. Such beams are exploited to provide superresolution …
Second-harmonic generation and the conservation of spatiotemporal orbital angular momentum of light
Light with spatiotemporal orbital angular momentum (ST-OAM) is a recently discovered type
of structured and localized electromagnetic field. This field carries characteristic space–time …
of structured and localized electromagnetic field. This field carries characteristic space–time …
Material-specific high-resolution table-top extreme ultraviolet microscopy
Microscopy with extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation holds promise for high-resolution
imaging with excellent material contrast, due to the short wavelength and numerous element …
imaging with excellent material contrast, due to the short wavelength and numerous element …
Generation of extreme-ultraviolet beams with time-varying orbital angular momentum
INTRODUCTION Light beams carry both energy and momentum, which can exert a small
but detectable pressure on objects they illuminate. In 1992, it was realized that light can also …
but detectable pressure on objects they illuminate. In 1992, it was realized that light can also …