Opportunities and challenges in enhancing access to metadata of cultural heritage collections: a survey

WZ Alma'aitah, AZ Talib, MA Osman - Artificial Intelligence Review, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Machine processable data that narrate digital/non-digital resources are termed as
metadata. Different metadata standards exist for describing various types of digital objects …

[PDF][PDF] Exploring iconographical and iconological content in semantic data through art historians' interpretations

S Baroncini, M Daquino, F Tomasi - La memoria digitale. Forme del …, 2023 - cris.unibo.it
Iconology and Iconography are branches of art history studies which focus on the
recognition and interpretation of the subject matter represented in visual artworks and of the …

[CARTE][B] Computational semiotics

JG Meunier - 2021 - books.google.com
Can semiotics and computers be compatible? Can computation advance semiotics by
enhancing the scientific basis of the theory of signs? Coupling semiotics, a philosophical …

Entities as topic labels: Combining entity linking and labeled lda to improve topic interpretability and evaluability

A Lauscher, P Ruiz Fabo, F Nanni… - IJCoL. Italian Journal …, 2016 - journals.openedition.org
Digital humanities scholars strongly need a corpus exploration method that provides topics
easier to interpret than standard LDA topic models. To move towards this goal, here we …

[HTML][HTML] A Foundation for Archival Engineering

K Thibodeau - Analytics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Archives comprise information that individuals and organizations use in their activities.
Archival theory is the intellectual framework for organizing, managing, preserving and …

[PDF][PDF] A Digital Review of Critical Editions: A Case Study on Sophocles, Ajax 1-332

C Rossini - Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the AIUCD …, 2019 - convegni.unicatt.it
The paper describes a framework for publishing reviews of critical editions of classical works
in a digital environment. After an account of its advantages over 'traditional'reviews, the …

[PDF][PDF] A Foundation for Archival Engineering. Analytics 2022, 1, 144–174

K Thibodeau - 2022 - academia.edu
Archives comprise information that individuals and organizations use in their activities.
Archival theory is the intellectual framework for organizing, managing, preserving and …


A Vlachos, MA Perifanou, AA Economides - 2021 - ruomoplus.lib.uom.gr
Augmented Reality promises to revolutionize the visit and exploration of Cultural Heritage
sites. In order to aggregate and interconnect heterogenous contextual data from multiple …

[HTML][HTML] Editorial Studies and Digital Publishing

F Schlupkothen, KH Schmidt - Annotations in Scholarly Editions …, 2020 - books.google.com
In Editorial Studies, documenting the work of an editor, eg by creating critical comments and
explanatory notes while reconstituting and analysing original documents, is a central task …

Système de recherche d'information étendue basé sur une projection multi-espaces

A Hannech - 2018 - constellation.uqac.ca
Depuis son apparition au début des années 90, le World Wide Web (WWW ou Web) a offert
un accès universel aux connaissances et le monde de l'information a été principalement …