Opportunities and challenges in enhancing access to metadata of cultural heritage collections: a survey
Abstract Machine processable data that narrate digital/non-digital resources are termed as
metadata. Different metadata standards exist for describing various types of digital objects …
metadata. Different metadata standards exist for describing various types of digital objects …
[PDF][PDF] Exploring iconographical and iconological content in semantic data through art historians' interpretations
Iconology and Iconography are branches of art history studies which focus on the
recognition and interpretation of the subject matter represented in visual artworks and of the …
recognition and interpretation of the subject matter represented in visual artworks and of the …
[CARTE][B] Computational semiotics
JG Meunier - 2021 - books.google.com
Can semiotics and computers be compatible? Can computation advance semiotics by
enhancing the scientific basis of the theory of signs? Coupling semiotics, a philosophical …
enhancing the scientific basis of the theory of signs? Coupling semiotics, a philosophical …
Entities as topic labels: Combining entity linking and labeled lda to improve topic interpretability and evaluability
Digital humanities scholars strongly need a corpus exploration method that provides topics
easier to interpret than standard LDA topic models. To move towards this goal, here we …
easier to interpret than standard LDA topic models. To move towards this goal, here we …
[HTML][HTML] A Foundation for Archival Engineering
K Thibodeau - Analytics, 2022 - mdpi.com
Archives comprise information that individuals and organizations use in their activities.
Archival theory is the intellectual framework for organizing, managing, preserving and …
Archival theory is the intellectual framework for organizing, managing, preserving and …
[PDF][PDF] A Digital Review of Critical Editions: A Case Study on Sophocles, Ajax 1-332
C Rossini - Proceedings of the 9th Annual Meeting of the AIUCD …, 2019 - convegni.unicatt.it
The paper describes a framework for publishing reviews of critical editions of classical works
in a digital environment. After an account of its advantages over 'traditional'reviews, the …
in a digital environment. After an account of its advantages over 'traditional'reviews, the …
[PDF][PDF] A Foundation for Archival Engineering. Analytics 2022, 1, 144–174
K Thibodeau - 2022 - academia.edu
Archives comprise information that individuals and organizations use in their activities.
Archival theory is the intellectual framework for organizing, managing, preserving and …
Archival theory is the intellectual framework for organizing, managing, preserving and …
A Vlachos, MA Perifanou, AA Economides - 2021 - ruomoplus.lib.uom.gr
Augmented Reality promises to revolutionize the visit and exploration of Cultural Heritage
sites. In order to aggregate and interconnect heterogenous contextual data from multiple …
sites. In order to aggregate and interconnect heterogenous contextual data from multiple …
[HTML][HTML] Editorial Studies and Digital Publishing
F Schlupkothen, KH Schmidt - Annotations in Scholarly Editions …, 2020 - books.google.com
In Editorial Studies, documenting the work of an editor, eg by creating critical comments and
explanatory notes while reconstituting and analysing original documents, is a central task …
explanatory notes while reconstituting and analysing original documents, is a central task …
Système de recherche d'information étendue basé sur une projection multi-espaces
A Hannech - 2018 - constellation.uqac.ca
Depuis son apparition au début des années 90, le World Wide Web (WWW ou Web) a offert
un accès universel aux connaissances et le monde de l'information a été principalement …
un accès universel aux connaissances et le monde de l'information a été principalement …