The Biological Records Centre: a pioneer of citizen science

MJO Pocock, HE Roy, CD Preston… - Biological Journal of the …, 2015 -
People have been recording wildlife for centuries and the resulting datasets lead to
important scientific research. The Biological Records Centre (BRC), established in 1964, is a …

The performance of protected areas for biodiversity under climate change

CD Thomas, PK Gillingham - Biological Journal of the Linnean …, 2015 -
Global environmental changes have been driving large-scale shifts in the distributions of
species and in the composition of biological communities. This has thrown the continuing …

Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services

C Parmesan, MD Morecroft, Y Trisurat, R Adrian… - 2023 -
Chapter 2, building on prior assessments, provides a global assessment of the observed
impacts and projected risks of climate change to terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems …

[PDF][PDF] Europe: from Chapters and Cross-Chapter Papers

B Bednar-Friedl, GR Biesbroek, DN Schmidt… - Climate Change 2022 …, 2022 -
Our current 1.1 C warmer world is already affecting natural and human systems in Europe
(very high confidence1). Since AR5, there has been a substantial increase in detected or …

[HTML][HTML] A framework for climate change adaptation indicators for the natural environment

JW Pearce-Higgins, LH Antão, RE Bates… - Ecological …, 2022 - Elsevier
Impacts of climate change on natural and human systems will become increasingly severe
as the magnitude of climate change increases. Climate change adaptation interventions to …

[HTML][HTML] Climate change adaptation for biodiversity in protected areas: An overview of actions

PK Gillingham, JR Britton, G Jones… - Biological …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Protected Areas (PAs) have been a cornerstone of conservation policy in the past
but are generally static and thus might be less useful under climate change as species move …

Rare and declining bird species benefit most from designating protected areas for conservation in the UK

AE Barnes, JG Davies, B Martay… - Nature ecology & …, 2023 -
There have been recent renewed commitments to increase the extent of protected areas to
combat the growing biodiversity crisis but the underpinning evidence for their effectiveness …

Protected areas act as a buffer against detrimental effects of climate change—Evidence from large‐scale, long‐term abundance data

P Lehikoinen, A Santangeli, K Jaatinen… - Global change …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change is driving species to shift their distributions toward high altitudes and
latitudes, while habitat loss and fragmentation may hamper species ability to follow their …

Large extents of intensive land use limit community reorganization during climate warming

TH Oliver, S Gillings, JW Pearce‐Higgins… - Global change …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change is increasingly altering the composition of ecological communities, in
combination with other environmental pressures such as high‐intensity land use. Pressures …

Climate change vulnerability for species—Assessing the assessments

CJ Wheatley, CM Beale, RB Bradbury… - Global Change …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Climate change vulnerability assessments are commonly used to identify species at risk
from global climate change, but the wide range of methodologies available makes it difficult …