[HTML][HTML] Grain refinement and crack inhibition of hard-to-weld Inconel 738 alloy by altering the scanning strategy during selective laser melting
J Xu, Y Ding, Y Gao, H Wang, Y Hu, D Zhang - Materials & Design, 2021 - Elsevier
Additive manufacturing of hard-to-weld nickel-based superalloys leads to the formation of
elongated columnar grain structures and hot cracks along the build direction. Changing the …
elongated columnar grain structures and hot cracks along the build direction. Changing the …
Texture evolution in severe plastic deformation processes
Severe plastic deformation processes involve large grain rotations due to the action of
different modes of plastic deformation and other microstructural changes which lead to …
different modes of plastic deformation and other microstructural changes which lead to …
[HTML][HTML] Crack nucleation and dislocation activities in titanium alloys with the strong transverse texture: Insights for enhancing dwell fatigue resistance
R Jia, W Zeng, Z Zhao, B Wang, H Chen, J Xu… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Cold dwell sensitivity of near α titanium alloys has posed a significant challenge to the
engineering safety within the aerospace industry. However, there exists inconsistency …
engineering safety within the aerospace industry. However, there exists inconsistency …
Achieving high ductility in a selectively laser melted commercial pure-titanium via in-situ grain refinement
Grain refinement of additively manufactured titanium and titanium alloys can be promoted
via adding foreign elements or particles, but it may lead to a reduction in ductility due to the …
via adding foreign elements or particles, but it may lead to a reduction in ductility due to the …
[HTML][HTML] Microstructural and textural evolution in hexagonal close-packed metals: The case of zirconium, magnesium, and titanium
Hexagonal close-packed (HCP) metals, particularly Zirconium (Zr), Titanium (Ti), and
Magnesium (Mg) alloys, have attracted significant attention due to their unique properties …
Magnesium (Mg) alloys, have attracted significant attention due to their unique properties …
Anisotropic plasticity and fracture of alpha titanium sheets from cryogenic to warm temperatures
Titanium is promising for manufacturing high-performance components in aerospace,
marine, energy and healthcare. Whether the forming potential of alpha titanium can be …
marine, energy and healthcare. Whether the forming potential of alpha titanium can be …
Micro-mechanisms of anisotropic deformation in the presence of notch in commercially pure Titanium: An in-situ study with CPFEM simulations
This study investigates the impact of notch severity and initial texture on the micro-
mechanisms during low strain deformation in commercially pure Titanium, exploiting in-situ …
mechanisms during low strain deformation in commercially pure Titanium, exploiting in-situ …
Plastic deformation behavior of titanium alloy by warm laser shock peening: Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties
X Pan, W He, X Huang, X Wang, X Shi, W Jia… - Surface and Coatings …, 2021 - Elsevier
The plastic deformation behavior of Ti6Al4V titanium alloy subjected to 300° C-warm laser
shock peening (WLSP) was inferred from its microstructure evolution and mechanical …
shock peening (WLSP) was inferred from its microstructure evolution and mechanical …
Deformation behaviour of commercially pure titanium at extreme strain rates
The evolution of microstructure and texture during room temperature compression of
commercially pure Ti with four different initial orientations were studied under quasi-static …
commercially pure Ti with four different initial orientations were studied under quasi-static …
Modeling bending of α-titanium with embedded polycrystal plasticity in implicit finite elements
An accurate description of the mechanical response of α-titanium requires consideration of
mechanical anisotropy. In this work we adapt a polycrystal self-consistent model embedded …
mechanical anisotropy. In this work we adapt a polycrystal self-consistent model embedded …