Challenges, tasks, and opportunities in modeling agent-based complex systems

L An, V Grimm, A Sullivan, BL Turner Ii, N Malleson… - Ecological …, 2021 - Elsevier
Humanity is facing many grand challenges at unprecedented rates, nearly everywhere, and
at all levels. Yet virtually all these challenges can be traced back to the decision and …

Agent Based Modelling and Simulation tools: A review of the state-of-art software

S Abar, GK Theodoropoulos, P Lemarinier… - Computer Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
The key intent of this work is to present a comprehensive comparative literature survey of the
state-of-art in software agent-based computing technology and its incorporation within the …

Utilizing python for agent-based modeling: The mesa framework

J Kazil, D Masad, A Crooks - … , SBP-BRiMS 2020, Washington, DC, USA …, 2020 - Springer
Mesa is an agent-based modeling framework written in Python. Originally started in 2013, it
was created to be the go-to tool in for researchers wishing to build agent-based models with …

[КНИГА][B] Agent-based and individual-based modeling: a practical introduction

SF Railsback, V Grimm - 2019 -
The essential textbook on agent-based modeling—now fully updated and expanded Agent-
Based and Individual-Based Modeling has become the standard textbook on the subject for …

POLARIS: Agent-based modeling framework development and implementation for integrated travel demand and network and operations simulations

J Auld, M Hope, H Ley, V Sokolov, B Xu… - … Research Part C …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper discusses the development of an agent-based modeling software development
kit, and the implementation and validation of a model using it that integrates dynamic …

A third wave in the economics of climate change

JD Farmer, C Hepburn, P Mealy… - … and Resource Economics, 2015 - Springer
Modelling the economics of climate change is daunting. Many existing methodologies from
social and physical sciences need to be deployed, and new modelling techniques and ideas …

[HTML][HTML] Agent-based modelling of social-ecological systems: achievements, challenges, and a way forward

J Schulze, B Müller, J Groeneveld… - Journal of Artificial …, 2017 -
Understanding social-ecological systems (SES) is crucial to supporting the sustainable
management of resources. Agent-based modelling is a valuable tool to achieve this …

Systems science methods in public health: dynamics, networks, and agents

DA Luke, KA Stamatakis - Annual review of public health, 2012 -
Complex systems abound in public health. Complex systems are made up of heterogeneous
elements that interact with one another, have emergent properties that are not explained by …

[КНИГА][B] Agent-based models

N Gilbert - 2019 -
Agent-based simulation has become increasingly popular as a modeling approach in the
social sciences because it enables researchers to build models where individual entities …

Agent-based modeling in marketing: Guidelines for rigor

W Rand, RT Rust - International Journal of research in Marketing, 2011 - Elsevier
Agent-based modeling can illuminate how complex marketing phenomena emerge from
simple decision rules. Marketing phenomena that are too complex for conventional …