A review on the advanced design techniques and methods of vibrating screen for coal preparation
L Peng, H Jiang, X Chen, D Liu, H Feng, L Zhang… - Powder Technology, 2019 - Elsevier
Large vibrating screen is the key equipment to improve the clean and efficient utilization of
coal. In recent years, various advanced design techniques and methods have been …
coal. In recent years, various advanced design techniques and methods have been …
Causes of failures in vibrating screens: a literature review
In industrial contexts, the stratification of materials by size is a common requirement,
particularly in sectors such as food production, construction, and mineral extraction …
particularly in sectors such as food production, construction, and mineral extraction …
Nonlinear dynamics and active control of smart beams using shear/extensional mode piezoelectric actuators
In this work, the nonlinear dynamics and active control of smart beams are investigated
using the shear mode and extensional mode piezoelectric actuators. The numerical analysis …
using the shear mode and extensional mode piezoelectric actuators. The numerical analysis …
Development and verification of the diagnostic model of the sieving screen
The minerals processing enterprises are widely using vibrating machines to separate
different fractions of materials. Sieving efficiency is greatly dependent on particle trajectories …
different fractions of materials. Sieving efficiency is greatly dependent on particle trajectories …
High-frequency vibrational control of principal parametric resonance of a nonlinear cantilever beam: Theory and experiment
The effects of high-frequency parametric excitation on the principal parametric resonance of
a nonlinear beam are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Only the first mode of …
a nonlinear beam are studied both theoretically and experimentally. Only the first mode of …
Analysis of the dynamic forces acting on a vibrating screen and its support structure using a scale model
TB Linhares, CBS Vimieiro - Measurement, 2021 - Elsevier
Vibrating screens are equipment used in various industries, such as mining, steel and food.
Although it is simple to install vibratory equipment on a support structure, it is necessary to …
Although it is simple to install vibratory equipment on a support structure, it is necessary to …
Dynamic modeling of a vibrating screen considering the ore inertia and force of the ore over the screen calculated with discrete element method
Vibrating screens are critical machines used for size classification in mineral processing.
Their proper operation, including accurate vibration movement and slope angle, can provide …
Their proper operation, including accurate vibration movement and slope angle, can provide …
Influence of load weight on dynamic response of vibrating screen
YZ Jiang, KF He, YL Dong, D Yang… - Shock and Vibration, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The dynamic response of the vibrating screen has a great impact on the screening efficiency
and fatigue life of the structures. For the conventional dynamic design, the consideration of …
and fatigue life of the structures. For the conventional dynamic design, the consideration of …
Methods of springs failures diagnostics in ore processing vibrating screens
Large-scale vibrating screens are widely used in minerals processing industry. One of main
components in any vibrating screen is a set of springs supporting the main body of machine …
components in any vibrating screen is a set of springs supporting the main body of machine …
Gravitricity based on solar and gravity energy storage for residential applications
This study proposes a design model for conserving and utilizing energy affordably and
intermittently considering the wind rush experienced in the patronage of renewable energy …
intermittently considering the wind rush experienced in the patronage of renewable energy …