Performance evaluation of input-dissipation parameterizations in WAVEWATCH III and comparison of wave hindcast with nested WAVEWATCH III-SWAN in the Indian …

PA Umesh, MR Behera - Ocean Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
In this investigation, we evaluated the WAVEWATCH III (WWIII) model performances by
testing the sensitivity of different input-dissipation parameterizations for the Indian seas …

Role and influence of key atmospheric parameters in large-scale environmental flow associated with tropical cyclogenesis and ENSO in the North Indian Ocean basin

J Albert, A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran, KS Singh - Climate Dynamics, 2021 - Springer
Intense cyclones have become more frequent over the North Indian Ocean (NIO) region
causing significant risk and vulnerability to the coastal regions. Analysis clearly revealed an …

Extreme wind-wave climate projections for the Indian Ocean under changing climate scenarios

A Krishnan, PK Bhaskaran, P Kumar - Climate Dynamics, 2022 - Springer
Extreme wind-waves will impact coastal regions along the east and west coast of India and
countries bordering the Indian Ocean rim having implications on coastal flooding and …

On the improvements in nearshore wave height predictions using nested SWAN-SWASH modelling in the eastern coastal waters of India

PA Umesh, MR Behera - Ocean Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Nearshore wave prediction is an area of research which still demands continuous
developments and the accuracy of wave models in the nearshore regions, is known to be …

Challenges and future directions in ocean wave modeling—a review

PK Bhaskaran - Journal of Extreme Events, 2019 - World Scientific
An increasing number of instances in extreme weather events over the global oceans have
deepened the concerns on the impact of climate change. The frequency of extreme weather …

Assessment of input and dissipation source terms in the spectral wave model during tropical cyclones of varying intensity in Bay of Bengal

G Uma, SA Sannasiraj - Ocean Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
The vulnerability of the tropical cyclonic activities in the Bay of Bengal (BoB) domain are
analyzed in terms of its destructive potential. The wave characteristics due to cyclones of …

Swell wave propagation and its characteristics while approaching the Indian Coast

S Sreelakshmi, PK Bhaskaran - Climate Dynamics, 2023 - Springer
A proper understanding on the local wind-wave climate is essential and of great importance
for sustainable developments in the offshore and coastal waters. This study investigates the …

Wave–current-surge interaction in a changing climate over a shallow continental shelf region

B Sahoo, T Sahoo, PK Bhaskaran - Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Wave climate over the North Indian Ocean region experienced a paradigm shift in the recent
past, indicating an increase in the extremes. Wind-waves and swell climatology have shown …

Regional sea level changes in the Indian shelf sea and its association with SST anomalies

P Kumar, D Sardana - Regional Studies in Marine Science, 2021 - Elsevier
Rising sea levels pose a potential threat to the densely populated areas along the Indian
coastline and the low-lying islands, and cause disastrous impacts to coastal and offshore …

Sea surface imaging simulation for 3D interferometric imaging radar altimeter

Z Wang, Y Liu, J Zhang, C Fan - IEEE Journal of Selected …, 2020 -
The interferometric imaging radar altimeter (InIRA) is a new generation radar altimeter,
which can provide two-dimensional images of the sea surface topography at high resolution …