[HTML][HTML] Polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) in the Canadian environment: A review of sampling techniques, strategies and instrumentation
A wide variety of sampling techniques and strategies are needed to analyze polycyclic
aromatic compounds (PACs) and interpret their distributions in various environmental media …
aromatic compounds (PACs) and interpret their distributions in various environmental media …
[HTML][HTML] A latest Pleistocene and Holocene composite tephrostratigraphic framework for northeastern North America
Lakes and bogs in northeastern North America preserve tephra deposits sourced from
multiple volcanic systems in the Northern Hemisphere. However, most studies of these …
multiple volcanic systems in the Northern Hemisphere. However, most studies of these …
Widespread recent ecosystem state shifts in high‐latitude peatlands of northeastern Canada and implications for carbon sequestration
Northern peatlands are a major component of the global carbon (C) cycle. Widespread
climate‐driven ecohydrological changes in these ecosystems can have major …
climate‐driven ecohydrological changes in these ecosystems can have major …
Unequal anthropogenic enrichment of mercury in Earth's northern and southern hemispheres
Remote Northern Hemisphere (NH) and Southern Hemisphere (SH) lake sediment and peat
records of mercury (Hg) deposition have shown a× 3 to× 5 Hg enrichment since pre …
records of mercury (Hg) deposition have shown a× 3 to× 5 Hg enrichment since pre …
Trace elements in peat bog porewaters: indicators of dissolution of atmospheric dusts and aerosols from anthropogenic and natural sources
Peat bogs are often used as archives of atmospheric deposition of trace elements (TEs).
However, chemical analyses of TEs in peat provide little information about their ecological …
However, chemical analyses of TEs in peat provide little information about their ecological …
[HTML][HTML] Trace elements in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands: A geochemical explanation for the paucity of environmental contamination by chalcophile elements
Abstract The Athabasca Bituminous Sands (ABS) in northern Alberta, Canada, represent
one of the largest reserves of hydrocarbons on the planet, yet there is remarkably little …
one of the largest reserves of hydrocarbons on the planet, yet there is remarkably little …
How Joannites' economy eradicated primeval forest and created anthroecosystems in medieval Central Europe
During European states' development, various past societies utilized natural resources, but
their impact was not uniformly spatially and temporally distributed. Considerable changes …
their impact was not uniformly spatially and temporally distributed. Considerable changes …
Environmental significance of trace elements in the Athabasca Bituminous Sands: facts and misconceptions
W Shotyk - Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
The bituminous sands of Alberta, Canada, represent the second largest reserves of
hydrocarbons on earth. Open pit bitumen mining and upgrading of the Athabasca …
hydrocarbons on earth. Open pit bitumen mining and upgrading of the Athabasca …
A practical method for assigning uncertainty and improving the accuracy of alpha-ejection corrections and eU concentrations in apatite (U–Th)∕ He chronology
Apatite (U–Th)/He (AHe) dating generally assumes that grains can be accurately and
precisely modeled as geometrically perfect hexagonal prisms or ellipsoids in order to …
precisely modeled as geometrically perfect hexagonal prisms or ellipsoids in order to …
Permafrost microbial community structure changes across the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary
Despite the presence of well-documented changes in vegetation and faunal communities at
the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, it is unclear whether similar shifts occurred in soil …
the Pleistocene-Holocene transition, it is unclear whether similar shifts occurred in soil …