When is proactivity wise? A review of factors that influence the individual outcomes of proactive behavior

SK Parker, Y Wang, J Liao - Annual Review of Organizational …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
There is solid evidence that proactivity, defined as self-initiated and future-focused action to
change oneself or the situation, can positively benefit individuals and organizations …

The bright side of being prosocial at work, and the dark side, too: A review and agenda for research on other-oriented motives, behavior, and impact in organizations

MC Bolino, AM Grant - Academy of Management Annals, 2016 - journals.aom.org
More than a quarter century ago, organizational scholars began to explore the implications
of prosociality in organizations. Three interrelated streams have emerged from this work …

Innovation leadership: Best-practice recommendations for promoting employee creativity, voice, and knowledge sharing

H Kremer, I Villamor, H Aguinis - Business horizons, 2019 - Elsevier
Innovation—the implementation of creative ideas—is one of the most important factors of
competitive advantage in 21 st century organizations. Yet, leaders do not always encourage …

Distinguishing voice and silence at work: Unique relationships with perceived impact, psychological safety, and burnout

EN Sherf, MR Parke, S Isaakyan - Academy of Management …, 2021 - journals.aom.org
Scholars continue to debate whether voice and silence are opposites or distinct constructs.
This ambiguity has prevented meaningful theoretical advancements about employees' voice …

The impact of perceived CSR on corporate reputation and purchase intention

E Bianchi, JM Bruno… - European journal of …, 2019 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of consumers' perceived
corporate social responsibility (CSR). The aim is to provide insight into the effect of …

Content validation guidelines: Evaluation criteria for definitional correspondence and definitional distinctiveness.

JA Colquitt, TB Sabey, JB Rodell… - Journal of Applied …, 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
Several reviews have been critical of the degree to which scales in industrial/organizational
psychology and organizational behavior adequately reflect the content of their construct …

A meta‐analysis of voice and its promotive and prohibitive forms: Identification of key associations, distinctions, and future research directions

M Chamberlin, DW Newton, JA Lepine - Personnel Psychology, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
This article reports meta‐analyses intended to clarify and enhance our understanding of
voice and its promotive and prohibitive forms. We find that undifferentiated constructive voice …

The effects of ethical leadership, voice behavior and climates for innovation on creativity: A moderated mediation examination

ASY Chen, YH Hou - The leadership quarterly, 2016 - Elsevier
The study of ethical leadership has emerged as an important topic in relation to
understanding the effects of leadership within organizations. We propose that the voice …

An affect-based model of recipients' responses to organizational change events

S Oreg, JM Bartunek, G Lee, B Do - Academy of Management …, 2018 - journals.aom.org
Following a long period during which scholarly attention was paid predominantly to the role
of change agents in organizational change, change recipients and their experiences have …

Leadership process models: A review and synthesis

T Fischer, J Dietz, J Antonakis - Journal of management, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
In organizational research, studying “processes” is important for uncovering and
understanding the underlying causal mechanisms in a predictor-mediator-outcome logic …