A survey on the computational complexity of coloring graphs with forbidden subgraphs

PA Golovach, M Johnson, D Paulusma… - Journal of Graph …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
For a positive integer k, ak‐coloring of a graph is a map** such that whenever. The
Coloring problem is to decide, for a given G and k, whether ak‐coloring of G exists. If k is …

[HTML][HTML] Improved complexity results on k-coloring Pt-free graphs

S Huang - European Journal of Combinatorics, 2016 - Elsevier
A graph is H-free if it does not contain an induced subgraph isomorphic to H. We denote by
P t and C t the path and the cycle on t vertices, respectively. In this paper, we prove that 4 …

Clique-width of graph classes defined by two forbidden induced subgraphs

KK Dabrowski, D Paulusma - The Computer Journal, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The class of H-free graphs has bounded clique-width if and only if H is an induced subgraph
of the 4-vertex path P_4. We study the (un) boundedness of the clique-width of graph …

Critical hereditary graph classes: a survey

DS Malyshev, PM Pardalos - Optimization Letters, 2016 - Springer
The task of complete complexity dichotomy is to clearly distinguish between easy and hard
cases of a given problem on a family of subproblems. We consider this task for some …

Linear time algorithm for computing a small biclique in graphs without long induced paths

A Atminas, VV Lozin, I Razgon - Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm …, 2012 - Springer
The biclique problem asks, given a graph G and a parameter k, whether G has a complete
bipartite subgraph of k vertices in each part (a biclique of order k). Fixed-parameter …

[HTML][HTML] Complexity of coloring graphs without paths and cycles

P Hell, S Huang - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
Let P t and C ℓ denote a path on t vertices and a cycle on ℓ vertices, respectively. In this
paper we study the k-coloring problem for (P t, C ℓ)-free graphs. Bruce et al.(2009), and …

[HTML][HTML] Closing complexity gaps for coloring problems on H-free graphs

PA Golovach, D Paulusma, J Song - Information and Computation, 2014 - Elsevier
If a graph G contains no subgraph isomorphic to some graph H, then G is called H-free. A
coloring of a graph G=(V, E) is a map** c: V→{1, 2,…} such that no two adjacent vertices …

List coloring in the absence of a linear forest

JF Couturier, PA Golovach, D Kratsch, D Paulusma - Algorithmica, 2015 - Springer
The k-Coloring problem is to decide whether a graph can be colored with at most k colors
such that no two adjacent vertices receive the same color. The List k-Coloring problem …

Colouring (Pr + Ps)-Free Graphs

T Klimošová, J Malík, T Masařík, J Novotná… - Algorithmica, 2020 - Springer
The k-Colouring problem is to decide if the vertices of a graph can be coloured with at most k
colours for a fixed integer k such that no two adjacent vertices are coloured alike. If each …

[HTML][HTML] Two complexity results for the vertex coloring problem

DS Malyshev, OO Lobanova - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2017 - Elsevier
We show that the chromatic number of {P 5, K p− e}-free graphs can be computed in
polynomial time for each fixed p. Additionally, we prove polynomial-time solvability of the …