Reduced order models for the quasi-geostrophic equations: A brief survey
Reduced order models (ROMs) are computational models whose dimension is significantly
lower than those obtained through classical numerical discretizations (eg, finite element …
lower than those obtained through classical numerical discretizations (eg, finite element …
Nonintrusive reduced order modeling framework for quasigeostrophic turbulence
In this study, we present a nonintrusive reduced order modeling (ROM) framework for large-
scale quasistationary systems. The framework proposed herein exploits the time series …
scale quasistationary systems. The framework proposed herein exploits the time series …
Extreme learning machine for reduced order modeling of turbulent geophysical flows
We investigate the application of artificial neural networks to stabilize proper orthogonal
decomposition-based reduced order models for quasistationary geophysical turbulent flows …
decomposition-based reduced order models for quasistationary geophysical turbulent flows …
Sub-grid scale model classification and blending through deep learning
In this article we detail the use of machine learning for spatio-temporally dynamic turbulence
model classification and hybridization for large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulence. Our …
model classification and hybridization for large eddy simulations (LES) of turbulence. Our …
Data-driven variational multiscale reduced order models
We propose a new data-driven reduced order model (ROM) framework that centers around
the hierarchical structure of the variational multiscale (VMS) methodology and utilizes data …
the hierarchical structure of the variational multiscale (VMS) methodology and utilizes data …
An improved algorithm for the shallow water equations model reduction: Dynamic Mode Decomposition vs POD
DA Bistrian, IM Navon - International Journal for Numerical …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
We propose an improved framework for dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) of 2‐D flows
for problems originating from meteorology when a large time step acts like a filter in …
for problems originating from meteorology when a large time step acts like a filter in …
Evaluation of scale-aware subgrid mesoscale eddy models in a global eddy-rich model
Two parameterizations for horizontal mixing of momentum and tracers by subgrid mesoscale
eddies are implemented in a high-resolution global ocean model. These parameterizations …
eddies are implemented in a high-resolution global ocean model. These parameterizations …
Linear and nonlinear filtering for a two-layer quasi-geostrophic ocean model
Although the two-layer quasi-geostrophic equations (2QGE) are a simplified model for the
dynamics of a stratified, wind-driven ocean, their numerical simulation is still plagued by the …
dynamics of a stratified, wind-driven ocean, their numerical simulation is still plagued by the …
A stabilized proper orthogonal decomposition reduced-order model for large scale quasigeostrophic ocean circulation
In this paper, a stabilized proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) reduced-order model
(ROM) framework is developed for the barotropic vorticity equation. Two different closure …
(ROM) framework is developed for the barotropic vorticity equation. Two different closure …
[HTML][HTML] POD reduced-order unstructured mesh modeling applied to 2D and 3D fluid flow
A new scheme for implementing a reduced order model for complex mesh-based numerical
models (eg finite element unstructured mesh models), is presented. The matrix and source …
models (eg finite element unstructured mesh models), is presented. The matrix and source …