Structural characteristics of low-density environments in liquid water
The existence of two structural forms in liquid water has been a point of discussion for a long
time. A phase transition between these two forms of liquid water has been proposed based …
time. A phase transition between these two forms of liquid water has been proposed based …
Absorption of volatile organic compounds toluene and acetaldehyde in choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents
Unrestricted emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)─ a threat to human health and
the environment─ can be controlled to a large extent by the capturing mechanism. Few …
the environment─ can be controlled to a large extent by the capturing mechanism. Few …
Optimum number of anchored clathrate water and its instantaneous fluctuations dictate ice plane recognition specificities of insect antifreeze protein
Ice recognition by antifreeze proteins (AFPs) is a subject of topical interest. Among several
classes of AFPs, insect AFPs are hyperactive presumably due to their ability to adsorb on …
classes of AFPs, insect AFPs are hyperactive presumably due to their ability to adsorb on …
Osmolyte-induced conformational stabilization of a hydrophobic polymer
Elucidating the mechanistic role of osmolytes on conformations of hydrophobic prototypical
macromolecules in principle is the step** stone towards understanding the effect of …
macromolecules in principle is the step** stone towards understanding the effect of …
How do glycerol and dimethyl sulphoxide affect local tetrahedral structure of water around a nonpolar solute at low temperature? Importance of preferential interaction
S Daschakraborty - The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
Glycerol and dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) have vital roles in cryoprotection of living cells,
tissues, etc. The above action has been directly linked with disruption of hydrogen (H-) bond …
tissues, etc. The above action has been directly linked with disruption of hydrogen (H-) bond …
Ordered hydration layer mediated ice adsorption of a globular antifreeze protein: mechanistic insight
The ice/water interface recognition mechanism of antifreeze proteins (AFPs) is highly
contentious. Conventionally, protein adsorption on a solid surface is primarily driven by the …
contentious. Conventionally, protein adsorption on a solid surface is primarily driven by the …
Factors promoting the formation of clathrate-like ordering of water in biomolecular structure at ambient temperature and pressure
Clathrate hydrate forms when a hydrophobic molecule is entrapped inside a water cage or
cavity. Although biomolecular structures also have hydrophobic patches, clathrate-like water …
cavity. Although biomolecular structures also have hydrophobic patches, clathrate-like water …
Translocation of a hydroxyl functionalized carbon dot across a lipid bilayer: an all-atom molecular dynamics simulation study
The major applications of carbon dots (CDs)(eg bio-imaging and targeted drug delivery)
necessitate the latter to permeate across the lipid bilayer membrane. Unfortunately, the …
necessitate the latter to permeate across the lipid bilayer membrane. Unfortunately, the …
Correlation between protein conformations and water structure and thermodynamics at high pressure: A molecular dynamics study of the Bovine Pancreatic Trypsin …
Pressure-induced perturbation of a protein structure leading to its folding–unfolding
mechanism is an important yet not fully understood phenomenon. The key point here is the …
mechanism is an important yet not fully understood phenomenon. The key point here is the …
Cold denaturation induced helix-to-helix transition and its implication to activity of helical antifreeze protein
Study of cold denaturation is relevant for understanding the freeze tolerant activity of
organism at sub-zero environment. The proteins responsible for the survival of these …
organism at sub-zero environment. The proteins responsible for the survival of these …