Квантовая информатика: обзор основных достижений

АС Сигов, ЕГ Андрианова, ДО Жуков… - Russian Technological …, 2019 - rtj-mirea.ru
Аннотация Обоснована актуальность проведения и выделены перспективные
направления научных исследований в области квантовой информатики. По …

Graph's topology and free energy of a spin model on the graph

JM Choi, AI Gilson, EI Shakhnovich - Physical review letters, 2017 - APS
In this Letter we investigate a direct relationship between a graph's topology and the free
energy of a spin system on the graph. We develop a method of separating topological and …

Limit theorems and phase transitions in the tensor Curie-Weiss Potts model

S Bhowal, S Mukherjee - arxiv preprint arxiv:2307.01052, 2023 - arxiv.org
In this paper, we derive results about the limiting distribution of the empirical magnetization
vector and the maximum likelihood (ML) estimates of the natural parameters in the tensor …

Enhanced network inference from sparse incomplete time series through automatically adapted regularization

Z Cai, E Gerding, M Brede - Applied Network Science, 2024 - Springer
Reconstructing dynamics of complex systems from sparse, incomplete time series data is a
challenging problem with applications in various domains. Here, we develop an iterative …

Multiple metastable states in an off-lattice potts model

C Farías, S Davis - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
The interactions between a group of components are commonly studied in several areas of
science (social science, biology, material science, complex dynamical systems, among …

Rates of Convergence of the Magnetization in the Tensor Curie–Weiss Potts Model

S Bhowal, S Mukherjee - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we derive distributional convergence rates for the magnetization vector and the
maximum pseudolikelihood estimator of the inverse temperature parameter in the tensor …

Freezing vs. equilibration dynamics in the Potts model

F Chippari, M Picco - Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
Freezing vs. equilibration dynamics in the Potts model - IOPscience Skip to content IOP Science
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The tightness of the Kesten–Stigum reconstruction bound of symmetric model with multiple mutations

W Liu, SR Jammalamadaka, N Ning - Journal of Statistical Physics, 2018 - Springer
It is well known that reconstruction problems, as the interdisciplinary subject, have been
studied in numerous contexts including statistical physics, information theory and …

Unstable network fragmentation in co-evolution of Potts spins and system topology

J Toruniewska, K Suchecki, JA Hołyst - Physica A: Statistical Mechanics …, 2016 - Elsevier
We investigate co-evolution of discrete q-state Potts model and the underlying network
topology, where spin changes and link re-wiring follow the same canonical ensemble …

[PDF][PDF] Dynamics for large q-Potts model in 2d

F Chippari - 2020 - webthesis.biblio.polito.it
This Master's thesis aims to study, via massive numerical simulations and analytical
considerations, the dynamical properties of the 2d Ferromagnetic Potts model, after …