[BOK][B] Urban High-Resolution Remote Sensing: Algorithms and Modeling

G Zhou - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
With urbanization as a global phenomenon, there is a need for data and information about
these terrains. Urban remote sensing techniques provide critical physical input and …

Grid based satellite image processing platform for Earth observation application development

D Gorgan, V Bacu, T Stefanut… - … on Intelligent Data …, 2009 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Satellite images supply important information on Earth surface, weather, clime, geographic
areas, vegetation, and natural phenomena. Processing of satellite data requires high …

Teaching information security with workflow technology–a case study approach

W He, A Kshirsagar, A Nwala, Y Li - Journal of Information Systems …, 2014 - aisel.aisnet.org
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the demand from professionals in
different areas for improving the curricula regarding information security. The use of …

[PDF][PDF] Black sea catchment observation system as a portal for GEOSS community

D Gorgan, G Giuliani, N Ray… - International …, 2013 - access.archive-ouverte.unige.ch
The resources of the enviroGRIDS system are accessible to the large community of users
through the BSCOS Portal that provides Web applications for data management …

[PDF][PDF] Earth observation data processing in distributed systems

D Petcu, S Panica, M Neagul, M Frîncu, D Zaharie… - Informatica, 2010 - informatica.si
The paradigm known as Data Intensive Science [7] is currently changing the way research
and innovation is being conducted. This paradigm is based on access and analysis of large …

Earth Observation application development based on the Grid oriented ESIP satellite image processing platform

D Gorgan, V Bacu, T Stefanut, D Rodila… - Computer Standards & …, 2012 - Elsevier
Satellite images supply important information on earth surface, weather, clime, geographic
areas, vegetation, and natural phenomena. Processing of satellite data requires high …

A cloud framework for problem-based learning on grid computing

JDS Quilis, G Moltó, I Blanquer - Journal of Parallel and Distributed …, 2021 - Elsevier
Training on Grid technologies has traditionally used existing Grid infrastructures to
implement the hands-on education activities. However, these infrastructures are insufficient …

[BOK][B] Remote sensed image processing on Grids for training in Earth observation

D Petcu, D Zaharie, M Neagul, S Panica, M Frincu… - 2009 - books.google.com
Remote sensing involves techniques that use sensors to detect and record signals
emanating from target of interest not in direct contact with the sensors. Remote sensing …

Grid based data processing tools and applications for black sea catchment basin

D Gorgan, K Abbaspour, P Cau, V Bacu… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper highlights the main functionalities, tools and applications provided by the BSC-
OS portal, developed through the enviroGRIDS project. The presentation highlights the main …

[PDF][PDF] Spatial data processing tools and applications for Black Sea catchment region

D Gorgan, V Bacu, D Mihon… - International …, 2012 - access.archive-ouverte.unige.ch
The enviroGRIDS project has developed and provides through the BSC-OS portal a set of
tools, applications and platforms concerning with the processing of huge spatial data for the …