Explaining explanations: Axiomatic feature interactions for deep networks

JD Janizek, P Sturmfels, SI Lee - Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021 - jmlr.org
Recent work has shown great promise in explaining neural network behavior. In particular,
feature attribution methods explain the features that are important to a model's prediction on …

[CARTE][B] Economics and computation

J Rothe - 2024 - Springer
1 Her work has been supported in part by an NRW grant for gender-sensitive universities
supporting her as a junior professor for Computational Social Choice and by the project …

If you like shapley then you'll love the core

T Yan, AD Procaccia - Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial …, 2021 - ojs.aaai.org
The prevalent approach to problems of credit assignment in machine learning--such as
feature and data valuation--is to model the problem at hand as a cooperative game and …

Cooperative games with overlap** coalitions

G Chalkiadakis, E Elkind, E Markakis… - Journal of Artificial …, 2010 - jair.org
In the usual models of cooperative game theory, the outcome of a coalition formation
process is either the grand coalition or a coalition structure that consists of disjoint coalitions …

Cooperative game theory: Basic concepts and computational challenges

G Chalkiadakis, E Elkind… - IEEE Intelligent …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cooperative Game Theory: Basic Concepts and Computational Challenges Page 1 86 1541-1672/12/$31.00
© 2012 IEEE Ieee InTeLLIGenT SySTemS Published by the IEEE Computer Society AI AND …

[HTML][HTML] Negotiating team formation using deep reinforcement learning

Y Bachrach, R Everett, E Hughes, A Lazaridou… - Artificial Intelligence, 2020 - Elsevier
When autonomous agents interact in the same environment, they must often cooperate to
achieve their goals. One way for agents to cooperate effectively is to form a team, make a …

Playing quantitative games against an authority: on the module checking problem

W Jamroga, M Mittelmann, A Murano… - PROCEEDINGS OF THE …, 2024 - iris.uniroma1.it
Module checking is a decision problem to formalize the verification of (possibly multi-agent)
systems that must adapt their behavior to the input they receive from the environment, also …

On strong NP-completeness of rational problems

D Wojtczak - Computer Science–Theory and Applications: 13th …, 2018 - Springer
The computational complexity of the partition, 0-1 subset sum, unbounded subset sum, 0-1
knapsack and unbounded knapsack problems and their multiple variants were studied in …

[HTML][HTML] Characteristic function games with restricted agent interactions: Core-stability and coalition structures

G Chalkiadakis, G Greco, E Markakis - Artificial Intelligence, 2016 - Elsevier
In many real-world settings, the structure of the environment constrains the formation of
coalitions among agents. These settings can be represented by characteristic function …

Computing shapley value in supermodular coalitional games

D Liben-Nowell, A Sharp, T Wexler… - … and Combinatorics: 18th …, 2012 - Springer
Coalitional games allow subsets (coalitions) of players to cooperate to receive a collective
payoff. This payoff is then distributed “fairly” among the members of that coalition according …