The FIP and inverse FIP effects in solar and stellar coronae

JM Laming - Living Reviews in Solar Physics, 2015 - Springer
We review our state of knowledge of coronal element abundance anomalies in the Sun and
stars. We concentrate on the first ionization potential (FIP) effect observed in the solar …

Multiwavelength studies of MHD waves in the solar chromosphere: An overview of recent results

DB Jess, RJ Morton, G Verth, V Fedun, SDT Grant… - Space Science …, 2015 - Springer
The chromosphere is a thin layer of the solar atmosphere that bridges the relatively cool
photosphere and the intensely heated transition region and corona. Compressible and …

The interface region imaging spectrograph (IRIS)

B De Pontieu, AM Title, JR Lemen, GD Kushner… - Solar Physics, 2014 - Springer
Abstract The Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) small explorer spacecraft
provides simultaneous spectra and images of the photosphere, chromosphere, transition …

Probing the physics of the solar atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE). I. Coronal heating

B De Pontieu, P Testa, J Martínez-Sykora… - The Astrophysical …, 2022 -
Abstract The Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE) is a proposed mission composed of a multislit
extreme ultraviolet (EUV) spectrograph (in three spectral bands around 171 Å, 284 Å, and …

Evidence of nonthermal particles in coronal loops heated impulsively by nanoflares

P Testa, B De Pontieu, J Allred, M Carlsson, F Reale… - Science, 2014 -
The physical processes causing energy exchange between the Sun's hot corona and its
cool lower atmosphere remain poorly understood. The chromosphere and transition region …

The high-resolution coronal imager (Hi-C)

K Kobayashi, J Cirtain, AR Winebarger, K Korreck… - Solar Physics, 2014 - Springer
Abstract The High-Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) was flown on a NASA sounding rocket
on 11 July 2012. The goal of the Hi-C mission was to obtain high-resolution (≈ 0.3 …

Achievements of Hinode in the first eleven years

Hinode Review Team, K Al-Janabi… - Publications of the …, 2019 -
Hinode is Japan's third solar mission following Hinotori (1981–1982) and Yohkoh (1991–
2001): it was launched on 2006 September 22 and is in operation currently. Hinode carries …

Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale

H Peter, S Bingert, JA Klimchuk, C De Forest… - Astronomy & …, 2013 -
Aims. We use new data from the High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) with its
unprecedented spatial resolution of the solar corona to investigate the structure of coronal …

Slip** magnetic reconnection during an X-class solar flare observed by SDO/AIA

J Dudík, M Janvier, G Aulanier… - The Astrophysical …, 2014 -
We present SDO/AIA observations of an eruptive X-class flare of 2012 July 12, and compare
its evolution with the predictions of a three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation. We focus …

Active region emission measure distributions and implications for nanoflare heating

PJ Cargill - The Astrophysical Journal, 2014 -
The temperature dependence of the emission measure (EM) in the core of active regions
coronal loops is an important diagnostic of heating processes. Observations indicate that EM …