Attribute based encryption with privacy protection and accountability for CloudIoT
The pervasive, ubiquitous, and heterogeneous properties of IoT make securing IoT systems
a very challenging task. More so when access and storage are performed through a cloud …
a very challenging task. More so when access and storage are performed through a cloud …
KSF-OABE: Outsourced attribute-based encryption with keyword search function for cloud storage
Cloud computing becomes increasingly popular for data owners to outsource their data to
public cloud servers while allowing intended data users to retrieve these data stored in …
public cloud servers while allowing intended data users to retrieve these data stored in …
Flexible and fine-grained attribute-based data storage in cloud computing
J Li, W Yao, Y Zhang, H Qian… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the development of cloud computing, outsourcing data to cloud server attracts lots of
attentions. To guarantee the security and achieve flexibly fine-grained file access control …
attentions. To guarantee the security and achieve flexibly fine-grained file access control …
Ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption
In several distributed systems a user should only be able to access data if a user posses a
certain set of credentials or attributes. Currently, the only method for enforcing such policies …
certain set of credentials or attributes. Currently, the only method for enforcing such policies …
Practical and robust federated learning with highly scalable regression training
Privacy-preserving federated learning, as one of the privacy-preserving computation
techniques, is a promising distributed and privacy-preserving machine learning (ML) …
techniques, is a promising distributed and privacy-preserving machine learning (ML) …
Multi-dimensional range query over encrypted data
We design an encryption scheme called Multi-dimensional Range Query over Encrypted
Data (MRQED), to address the privacy concerns related to the sharing of network audit logs …
Data (MRQED), to address the privacy concerns related to the sharing of network audit logs …
Edge blockchain assisted lightweight privacy-preserving data aggregation for smart grid
W Lu, Z Ren, J Xu, S Chen - IEEE Transactions on Network and …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Compared with traditional power systems, smart grid is designed to provide effective and
secure energy services. Data aggregation is one of the key technologies in wireless sensor …
secure energy services. Data aggregation is one of the key technologies in wireless sensor …
A lightweight cloud-assisted identity-based anonymous authentication and key agreement protocol for secure wireless body area network
M Kumar, S Chand - IEEE Systems Journal, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent advancements in ubiquitous technologies, such as an intelligible sensor, wireless
communication, internet of things, and cloud computing have enabled the wearable devices …
communication, internet of things, and cloud computing have enabled the wearable devices …
TACKing together efficient authentication, revocation, and privacy in VANETs
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) require a mechanism to help authenticate messages,
identify valid vehicles, and remove malevolent vehicles. A public key infrastructure (PKI) can …
identify valid vehicles, and remove malevolent vehicles. A public key infrastructure (PKI) can …
Secure and lightweight fine-grained searchable data sharing for IoT-oriented and cloud-assisted smart healthcare system
Y Bao, W Qiu, X Cheng - IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is a new trend in healthcare informatization construction to build the smart healthcare
system by using the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud. This IoT-oriented and cloud-assisted …
system by using the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud. This IoT-oriented and cloud-assisted …