Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a topological heavy fermion problem
ZD Song, BA Bernevig - Physical review letters, 2022 - APS
Magic-angle (θ= 1.0 5°) twisted bilayer graphene (MATBG) has shown two seemingly
contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM …
contradictory characters: the localization and quantum-dot-like behavior in STM …
Kondo lattice model of magic-angle twisted-bilayer graphene: Hund's rule, local-moment fluctuations, and low-energy effective theory
We apply a generalized Schrieffer-Wolff transformation to the extended Anderson-like
topological heavy fermion (THF) model for the magic-angle (θ= 1.0 5°) twisted bilayer …
topological heavy fermion (THF) model for the magic-angle (θ= 1.0 5°) twisted bilayer …
Symmetric kondo lattice states in doped strained twisted bilayer graphene
We use the topological heavy fermion (THF) model and its Kondo lattice (KL) formulation to
study the possibility of a symmetric Kondo (SK) state in twisted bilayer graphene. Via a large …
study the possibility of a symmetric Kondo (SK) state in twisted bilayer graphene. Via a large …
Dynamical correlations and order in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
The interplay of dynamical correlations and electronic ordering is pivotal in sha** phase
diagrams of correlated quantum materials. In magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene …
diagrams of correlated quantum materials. In magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene …
Magic-angle twisted symmetric trilayer graphene as a topological heavy-fermion problem
Recently, Song and Bernevig [Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 047601 (2022) 0031-9007
10.1103/PhysRevLett. 129.047601] reformulated magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a …
10.1103/PhysRevLett. 129.047601] reformulated magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene as a …
1/4 is the new 1/2 when topology is intertwined with Mottness
In non-interacting systems, bands from non-trivial topology emerge strictly at half-filling and
exhibit either the quantum anomalous Hall or spin Hall effects. Here we show using …
exhibit either the quantum anomalous Hall or spin Hall effects. Here we show using …
Topological exact flat bands in two-dimensional materials under periodic strain
We study flat bands and their topology in 2D materials with quadratic band crossing points
under periodic strain. In contrast to Dirac points in graphene, where strain acts as a vector …
under periodic strain. In contrast to Dirac points in graphene, where strain acts as a vector …
Phase diagram of twisted bilayer graphene at filling factor
We study the correlated insulating phases of twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) in the absence
of lattice strain at integer filling ν=±3. Using the self-consistent Hartree-Fock method on a …
of lattice strain at integer filling ν=±3. Using the self-consistent Hartree-Fock method on a …
Theory of correlated insulators and superconductivity in twisted bilayer graphene
We introduce and analyze a model that sheds light on the interplay between correlated
insulating states, superconductivity, and flavor-symmetry breaking in magic angle twisted …
insulating states, superconductivity, and flavor-symmetry breaking in magic angle twisted …
Moiré phonons in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene
Magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) has attracted significant interest recently due to
the discoveries of diverse correlated and topological states. In this work, we study the …
the discoveries of diverse correlated and topological states. In this work, we study the …